Flash Eurobarometer 224 (Business Attitudes Towards Cross-border Sales and Co...
Attitudes of retailers towards cross-border trade. Topics: retail sales channels; number of EU countries active marketing or advertising to final consumers is made to; number of... -
Flash Eurobarometer 235 (The Rights of the Child)
Attitudes towards the rights of children. Topics: awareness of specific rights of children; assessment of the protection of children’s right in the own country; need for help... -
ARD-DeutschlandTrend 2008
Since 1997 the ARD-DeutschlandTREND is being conducted on behalf of the ARD (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland -... -
Flash Eurobarometer 273 (The Rights of the Child)
Attitudes towards the rights of children. Topics: awareness of specific rights of children; assessment of the protection of children’s right in the own country; need for help... -
Eurobarometer 73.1 (Jan-Feb 2010)
The ´European Parliament´ module (QA1 to QA8) was implemented on behalf of and financed by the European Parliament. The European Parliament. Biotechnology. Science, Research... -
Online Survey on the Census 2011
Einstellung zur Teilnahme an der Volkszählung Themen: Politisches Interesse; Demokratiezufriedenheit; Parteipräferenz (Sonntagsfrage, Stimmzettelverfahren); Kenntnis des Zensus... -
Flash Eurobarometer 278 (Business Attitudes Towards Enforcement and Redress ...
Business attitudes towards consumer legislation. Product safety. Consumer authorities. Topics: self-rated knowledge about legal obligations towards consumers arising from... -
Engagement contractuel: validité et responsabilité - 1990
The objective of the research is to identify the main conceptions of the morality of contractual commitment that are identifiable in contemporary mentalities. More specifically,... -
Homicides in Switzerland 1990-2014
Das Projekt beinhaltet die Erstellung einer Datenbank mit allen vorsätzlichen, vollendeten Tötungsdelikten in der Schweiz von 1990 bis 2014. Es wurden Angaben zu den Opfern, den...