Lower Albian LArboudeysse (Niveau Paquier) range chart in percentages of nann...
Method see Geisen et al, 1999, Micropaleontology. Volume: 1000 ml, high: 5 cm, field of view: 0.000227 cm**2 -
Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy for the OAE2 strata in the Omagari-zaw...
1 = present, - = absent, ? questinable occurence -
(Table T4) Nannofossil counts accross the K/T boundary in ODP Hole 183-1138A
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(Appendix B) Calcareous nannofossil range chart of DSDP Hole 75-530A
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(Table 2) Distribution of Lower Cretaceous calcareous nannofossils in ODP Hol...
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Lower Albian, Niveau Paquier range chart of nannofossils in SE France
C=common (>1 specimen/field view); F=frequent (1 specimen/2-10 fields of view); R=rare (1 speciemen/>11 fields of view)