Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen (WAB): WiTTLex - The WiTTFi...
WiTTLex - The WiTTFind Lexicon of Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Nachlass, with Frequency Lists and Indication of the Words’ Sources in the Nachlass WiTTLex is an electronic... -
Parallel Corpus of documents from the Technical Regulations Information Syste...
Specialized parallel corpus Spanish-German (ES-ES, DE-AT and DE-DE), texts from the European Commission between 1997-2010. The texts are technical regulations in a variety of... -
OpenEDGeS (2021-05-24)
The public license subset of the EDGeS Diachronic Bible Corpus, a diachronically and synchronically parallel corpus of Bible translations in Dutch,English, German and Swedish,... -
Europarl – svenska-tyska (2013-11-18) Europarl – Swedish-German (2013-11-18)
Part of European Parliament Proceedings Parallel Corpus Del av European Parliament Proceedings Parallel Corpus -
Khresmoi Summary Translation Test Data 2.0
This package contains data sets for development (Section dev) and testing (Section test) of machine translation of sentences from summaries of medical articles between Czech,... -
Word-final /s/ durations in spoken German
German has various homophonous sibilant fricatives of phonemic or morphemic nature that can appear in word-final position. In English, the functional status of a word-final \s\... -
Khresmoi Summary Translation Test Data 1.1
This package contains data sets for development and testing of machine translation of sentences from summaries of medical articles between Czech, English, French, and German. -
Khresmoi Query Translation Test Data 2.0
This package contains data sets for development and testing of machine translation of medical queries between Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Spanish ans... -
Dictionary of Bavarian Dialects
The database offers access to over 6 million dialectal linguistic evidences of the project "Dictionary of Bavarian Dialects" (German: Das Bayerische Wörterbuch) as image... -
The Franconian Dictionary
The database currently contains about 1 million dialectal linguistic evidences of the project "The Franconian Dictionary" (German: Das Fränkische Wörterbuch), each of which... -
This corpus was originally created for performance testing (server infrastructure CorpusExplorer - see: diskurslinguistik.net / diskursmonitor.de). It includes the filtered... -
HWC2023 –Hamburg.de Website Corpus 2023
A petition for a referendum (called: "Schluss mit Gendersprache in Verwaltung und Bildung" / eng.: "abolition of gender language in administration and education") was formed in... -
MT@BZ translation corpus v1.0
The MT@BZ is a translation corpus that consists of 52 decrees published by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano (South Tyrol) aligned with their machine translated versions. More... -
MT@BZ annotation guidelines v1.0
The MT@BZ annotation guidelines are guidelines for legal Italian-German machine translation quality assessment. Particularly, they cover the South Tyrolean German variety. They... -
Multispektraler Datensatz zu der Handschrift Zentralbibliothek Zürich, RP 3 "...
The manuscript RP3 of the Zentralbibliothek in Zurich contains six love letters, the ‘Zürcher Liebesbriefe’ (‘Zurich Love Letters’) and one... -
Background data for: Sprachliches Place-Making. Eine sprachwissenschaftliche ...
This dataset contains corpus statistical calculations that were used to investigate patterns of linguistic place-making in the German language. Patterns are defined here... -
Fachcurricula der Primar- und Sekundarstufe in Deutschland [Curricula for pri...
+++ english version below +++ Diese Daten bilden einen Ausschnitt von Lehrplänen / Bildungsplänen / Rahmenplänen (im Folgenden als “Curricula”... -
Multispectral Imaging Data of Manuscripts Ms. Bos. q. 19, Ms. El. f. 83, Ms. ...
Multispectral Imaging Data of following objects owned by the Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek (ThULB) in Jena: Manuscripts: Ms. Bos. q. 19 Ms.... -
Zwei-Wellen-Panel Hamburger Primarschulstudierender in der Bachelorphase Two...
Das Projekt untersucht die Einführung des neuen Studiengangs zum Lehramt an Grundschulen (LAGS) und zum Lehramt Sonderpädagogik Profil Grundschule (LAS-G) an der Universität... -
Biblia Pauperum-Transcriptions. A Pilot
This presentation introduces the conceptual framework behind Biblia pauperum-Transcriptions, a browser-based viewer for manuscript transcriptions and digital facsimiles. This...