Meiofaunal abundance in sediments obtained during RRS Discovery cruise D297
Counts are total numbers per core surface or 25.52 cm**2 area and are divided per slice. -
Shallow water meiofauna abundance from three stations at Potter Cove, King Ge...
Inner diameter core = 5.4 cm => surface area = 22.89 cm**2; Samples taken in 3 replicates at a distance of few meters one from another -
(Fig. 2) Vertical density profiles of meiofauna taxa in surface sediments of ...
Inner diameter core = 5.4 cm => Abundance is given in #/22.89 cm**2 -
Diversity of meiobenthos in tropical seagrass beds of Gazi Bay (Kenya) sample...
Meiobenthic composition and densities near five seagrasses (<i>Halodule wrightii</i>, <i>Halophila ovalis</i>, <i>Thalassia hemprichii</i>,... -
Diversity of meiobenthos in tropical seagrass beds of Gazi Bay (Kenya) sample...
Meiobenthic composition and densities near five seagrasses (<i>Halodule wrightii</i>, <i>Halophila ovalis</i>, <i>Thalassia hemprichii</i>,... -
Diversity of meiobenthos in tropical seagrass beds of Gazi Bay (Kenya) sample...
Meiobenthic composition and densities near five seagrasses (<i>Halodule wrightii</i>, <i>Halophila ovalis</i>, <i>Thalassia hemprichii</i>,... -
(Table 3) Meiofauna abundance in surface sediments of Cape Lookout
This dataset has no description
Diversity of meiobenthos in tropical seagrass beds of Gazi Bay (Kenya) sample...
Meiobenthic composition and densities near five seagrasses (<i>Halodule wrightii</i>, <i>Halophila ovalis</i>, <i>Thalassia hemprichii</i>,...