Diatom valves for the Holocene sediment sequence retrieved from Lake Loitsana...
This dataset provides counts of diatom valves for the Holocene sediment sequence retrieved from Lake Loitsana (Finland) in 2008. Counts per taxon are presented against both... -
Diatom assemblage of sediment core IOW211630-13
This dataset has no description
Freshwater diatom abundance in different water bodies from a polygonal tundra...
Patterned ground of the polygonal tundra yields sensitive indicators of environmental and climate change. Polygon ponds, mires and cryosoils are typical components of Arctic... -
Standardized diatom data of sediment core PG2360 from Lake Bety (Yakutia, Rus...
This data set is part of a larger data harmonization effort to make lake sediment core data machine readable and comparable. Here we standardized diatom count data of sediment... -
Standardized diatom data of sediment core PG2201 from Lake Malaya Chabyda (Ya...
This data set is part of a larger data harmonization effort to make lake sediment core data machine readable and comparable. Here we standardized diatom count data of sediment... -
Standardized diatom data of sediment core PG2023 from Lake Kyutyunda (Yakutia...
This data set is part of a larger data harmonization effort to make lake sediment core data machine readable and comparable. Here we standardized diatom count data of sediment... -
Diatom record of sediment core Dethlingen, Germany
This dataset has no description
Diatom biovolume in sediment core from Allouez Bay, Superior Harbor, Minnesot...
Diatom biovolume is measured per dry weight of sediment. Additional data on relative biovolume and biovolume accumulation rates can be found at "Further details". -
Diatom density in sediment core from Allouez Bay, Superior Harbor, Minnesota,...
Diatom density is measured per dry weight of sediment. -
Diatom counts in sediment core from Allouez Bay, Superior Harbor, Minnesota, USA
Additional data on relative abundance and cells accumulation rates of diatoms can be found under "Further details". -
Diatom biovolume in sediment core from Pokegama Bay, St. Louis River, Minneso...
Diatom biovolume measured per dry weight of sediment. Additional data on relative biovolume and biovolume accumulation rates can be found under "Further details". -
Diatom density in sediment core from Pokegama Bay, St. Louis River, Minnesota...
Diatom density measured per dry weight of sediment. -
Diatom counts in sediment core from Pokegama Bay, St. Louis River, Minnesota,...
Additional data on relative abundance and cells accumulation rates of diatoms can be found under "Further details". -
Diatom biovolume in sediment core from north of Clough Island, St. Louis Rive...
Diatoms biovolume was measured per dry weight of sediment. Additional data on relative biovolume and biovolume accumulation rates can be found under "Further details". -
Diatom density in sediment core from north of Clough Island, St. Louis River,...
Diatom density was measured per dry weight of sediment. -
Diatom counts in sediment core from north of Clough Island, St. Louis River, ...
Additional data on relative abundance and cells accumulation rates of diatoms can be found under "Further details". -
Diatom biovolume in sediment core from Duluth-Superior Harbor at Minnesota Po...
Diatom biovolume was measured per dry weight of sediment. Additional data on relative biovolume and biovolume accumulation rates can be found under "Further details". -
Diatom density in sediment core from Duluth-Superior Harbor at Minnesota Poin...
Diatom density per dry weight of sediment. -
Diatom counts in sediment core from Duluth-Superior Harbor at Minnesota Point...
Additional data on relative abundance and cells accumulation rates of diatoms can be found under "Further details". -
Diatom biovolume in sediment core from Fond du Lac Bay, St. Louis River, Minn...
Diatom biovolume per dry weight of sediment. Additional data on relative biovolume and biovolume accumulation rates can be found under "Further details".