Ct, number of cells and grazing rate of Rhodomonas balthica, Isochrysis galba...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of hetrotrophic Dinoflagellates from the co...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of the hetrotrophic Dinoflagellate Luciella...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of the hetrotrophic Stoeckeria algicida det...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of the mixotrophic Gonyaulax polygramma det...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of phototrophic red-tide Dinoflagellates de...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of red-tide Dinoflagellates feeding on the ...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of Dinoflagellate Protoperidinium bipes det...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of Dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina determine...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of Oxyrrhis marina determined experimentally
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of Pfiesteria piscicida and Cryptoperidinio...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of Protoperidinium pellucidumi determined e...
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Seawater carbonate chemistry and grazing and diet preference in Littorina lit...
Ocean acidification and eutrophication have direct, positive effects on the growth of many marine macroalgae, potentially resulting in macroalgal blooms and shifts in ecosystem... -
Feeding, growth and grazing rates of planktonic ciliates determined experimen...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of tintinnids determined experimentally
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Feeding rates of Ciliates on Heterocapsa triquetra determined experimentally
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Feeding rates of Ciliates on Pfiesteria piscida determined experimentally
Carbon per cell of grazer calculated using the following equation of Menden-Deuer and Lessard (2000): picogram carbon per cell = 0.216biovolume*0.939. -
Feeding rates of Favella sp. and Balanion sp. determined experimentally
Carbon per cell of grazer Balanion sp. calculated using the following equation of Menden-Deuer and Lessard (2000): picogram carbon per cell = 0.216biovolume*0.939. -
Feeding and growth rates of Strombidium sp. determined experimentally
Carbon per cell of grazer and prey calculated using the following equation of Menden-Deuer and Lessard (2000): picogram carbon per cell = 0.216biovolume*0.939. -
Feeding, growth and grazing rates of Strombidium sp. determined experimentally
Carbon per cell of grazer calculated using the following equation of Menden-Deuer and Lessard (2000): picogram carbon per cell = 0.216biovolume*0.939.