Bench-top experiment on Fucus responses to temperatures in thermobaths
Fucus gross (GPP) and net (NPP) primary production, respiration (R) and metabolic balance (GPP/2R) responses to temperature in thermobaths: Temperature levels 5, 10, 15, 20,... -
Plankton community metabolism in the subtropical and tropical ocean, Malaspin...
Here we assess the temperature dependence of the metabolic rates (gross primary production - GPP, community respiration - CR and the ratio GPP/CR) of oceanic plankton... -
Hydrochemistry and process data measured at EUROTROPH station Scheldt_2
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Hydrochemistry and process data measured at EUROTROPH station Scheldt_1
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Gross primary production, respiration, and net calcification in coral reef se...
Rates of gross primary production (GPP), respiration (R), and net calcification (Gnet) in coral reef sediments are expected to change in response to global warming (and the... -
Antagonistic effects of ocean acidification and rising sea surface temperatur...
Increasing atmospheric CO2 is raising sea surface temperature (SST) and increasing seawater CO2 concentrations, resulting in a lower oceanic pH (ocean acidification; OA), which... -
OA and ripples metabolism data
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Effects of experimental seawater warming on the metabolism of the permeable c...
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OA and OM metabolism data
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Hydrochemistry and process data measured at EUROTROPH station Palma_2
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Hydrochemistry and process data measured at EUROTROPH station Palma_1
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Hydrochemistry and process data measured at EUROTROPH station Randers_2
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Hydrochemistry and process data measured at EUROTROPH station Randers_1
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OA and ripples metabolism data
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