Spin dynamics on the frustrated Fe7 molecular cluster
Fe7 is a magnetic cluster formed by two Fe(III) triangles bridged together by a Fe(III) ion. The antiferromagnetic exchange interaction within the two triangles makes the system... -
Relaxation dynamics of a Dy-based single molecule magnet
Single-molecule magnets (SMM) exhibiting slow magnetic relaxation have attracted increasing interest, both from a fundamental point of view, and for the potential practical... -
Probing the crystal field of dysprosium (III) single-ion magnets with enhance...
SMMs have received much attention owing to their quantum tunneling and slow relaxation of the magnetization. This has led to an intense activity by synthetic chemists to... -
Magnetic excitations in spin ladders
We wish to measure the magnetic excitations and subgap states in a doped (x=0.06) spin ladder using MERLIN. The purpose of the measurements is to ascertain the relationship... -
Level crossings in open ring molecular magnets
Molecular nanomagnets (MNMs) comprise clusters of exchange coupled transition metal ions which often have a negative anisotropy constant, favouring a ground state with a large... -
Level crossings in the open ring molecular magnet Cr8Cd
Molecular nanomagnets (MNMs) comprise clusters of exchange coupled transition metal ions which often have a negative anisotropy constant, favoring a ground state with a large... -
Spin excitations and the resonance mode in KxFe2−δSe2
Recently, a new family of Fe-based superconductors has been discovered. Kx Fe2−δSe2 (KFS) is a strongly electron-doped compound with 122-type structure that is... -
Tunneling and relaxation of the magnetization in Mn6 single molecule magnet
The Mn6 single molecule magnet shows to date the highest anisotropy barrier for a transition metal cluster. Low lying excited states in the energy level diagram of the molecule...