Quantum renormalisation of spin waves in a square lattice antiferromagnet
The two dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice is one of the most studied model in quantum magnetism . This is in part due to its intrinsic interest but also... -
Dipolar Ordering of a High Spin Molecular Nanomagnet
Systems with antiferromagnetic ordering that is driven predominantly by dipolar interactions are very rare, as the dipolar interaction is inherently weak compared to the... -
Probing the meta-stable nature and time induced ferromagnetic phase growth in...
In recent years, the investigation of metamagnetic properties of first order magnetic systems has become revolutionary. The rare-earth based compound Nd5Ge3 exhibits a magnetic... -
Investigation of Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons through temperature-fi...
YbAl3C3 exhibits a spin gap formation due to spin dimer ground state below 10 K. In zero-field the ground state is paramagnetic and no sign of long range magnetic ordering down... -
A study of the metastable phase in Ca3Co2O6
Ca3Co2O6 is an unusual system, with a highly anisotropic magnetic behaviour and a series of regularly spaced steps in magnetisation appearing at low temperatures in a magnetic... -
Dipolar Ordering of a High Spin Molecular Nanomagnet
Systems with antiferromagnetic ordering that is driven predominantly by dipolar interactions are very rare, as the dipolar interaction is inherently weak compared to the... -
Magnetic phase diagram of multiferroic GdMn2O5
In the last five years, we have carried out a comprehensive study of the family of REMn2O5 multiferroics by neutron and X-ray magnetic scattering, providing details about the... -
Determining the Hamiltonian of a New Quantum Spin Ice Material
Pr2Hf2O7 is a potential quantum spin ice compound. Compared to the classical spin ice ions Ho3+ and Dy3+, Pr3+ has weaker Ising anisotropy and significant XY terms leading to... -
Time dependent magnetic structure of Sr3NiIrO6
We have reported magnetic structure of Sr3NiIrO6, which gives two possible solutions. Our theory shows that reported magnetic structure is not ground state magnetic structure.... -
Spin Order in NiV2O6
One-dimensional magnetic materials have been widely studied due to their often remarkable ground states and excitations. Recent study of the triclinic form of CoV2O6 brannerite... -
Neutron Diffraction studies of skyrmionic A phase and spin fluctuations in fl...
The study of skyrmion (magnetic vortex) lattice formation below ~30 K in chiral magnet MnSi has gotten very good attention in the recent times. Few of the key questions concerns... -
Magnetic phase diagram in CeRh0.4Co0.6In5:
The '115' phase diagram shows a delicate interplay between strongly correlated magnetism and unconventional superconductivity with similar order parameters to high temperature... -
High-pressure effect on the magnetic ordering in frustrated antiferromagnet C...
Test of the NIMS low temperature pressure cell on WISH. -
Investigation of the field induced magnetic ordering in the spin gap compound...
Our neutron study on YbAl3C3 reveals the presence of two well defined magnetic excitations at 1.5 and 3 meV at 4 K due to spin-dimer formation. Interestingly the specific heat... -
Probing the Effect of Applied Field on Magnetocaloric Tb(HCO2)3
The 1D ferromagnetic coupling within the chains of Tb(HCO2)3 appears to play a key role in its greater magnetic cooling performance above 4 K, compared to Gd(HCO2)3. Furthermore... -
Anomalously slow magnetic relaxation in a multi-q helimagnetic phase of SrFeO3
Non-coplanar magnetic orders in metallic helimagnets have been of great interest since the discovery of a vortex-like spin-swirling object called "skyrmion" and the resulting... -
Quantum renormalisation of spin waves in a square lattice antiferromagnet
The two dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice is one of the most studied model in quantum magnetism . This is in part due to its intrinsic interest but also... -
Stationary Spin Waves in the Skyrmion Crystal
The inter-metallic B20 compound MnSi is of great interest as a magnetic model system exhibiting helical spin ordering and topologically non-trivial spin correlations. The... -
Well, well, well: the free energy landscape of hydrogenated La(Fe,Si)13?
Magnetic cooling promises efficiency savings at room temperature but requires rapid cycling of a magnetic refrigerant in a magnetic field. Refrigerants with first order... -
High magnetic field phase of magnetoelectric Cr2O3
Multiferroics have been highly topical in the past decade due to potential applications in, amongst others, data storage. Cr2O3 was the first linear magnetoelectric compound,...