Raw data of physical oceanography during RV HEINCKE cruise HE483
Raw physical oceanography data was acquired by a ship-based Seabird SBE911plus CTD-Rosette system onboard RV HEINCKE . The CTD was equipped with duplicate sensors for... -
DIC concentration and isotopic composition in sedimentay 13C-labeling incubat...
DIC measurement: an aliquot of the slurry was filtered with a 0.2-µm filter to remove cells and other particles. After filtration, 1 mL of samples were acidified with 100 μL 45%... -
CO2 isotope in sedimentay 13C-labeling incubation of sediment core HE483/25-2
Incubation time was controlled based on the development of δ13C values of CO2 in the headspace. δ13C of CO2 was measured by Thermo Finnigan Trace GC coupled to a Thermo Finnigan... -
Amino acid concentration and isotopic composition in sedimentary 13C-labelin...
Amino acids derivatization and analysis: Sediment slurries were centrifuged to separate the sediments from the medium and the sediments were freeze-dried and homogenized. 50 mg... -
Physical oceanography during HEINCKE cruise HE483
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Station list and links to master tracks in different resolutions of HEINCKE c...
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