Biomarker data in TOC from the (sub)Arctic
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Biomarker data in sediments from the (sub)Arctic
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Environmental data from the (sub)Arctic
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Baffin Bay/Nares Strait surface (seafloor) sediment mineralogy
BF = Baffin fiordsBB = Baffin BayBS = Baffin ShelfBSL = Baffin slopeNBB = North Baffin BayWGS = West Gr'nd shelfWGSL = West Gr'nd slopeNS = Nares StraitL = Labrador Sea -
Occurrence records of Geodia species (Porifera, Demospongiae, Tetractinellida...
This dataset contains occurrence records (i.e., species name, latitude, longitude, depth (where available), and metadata) for six species of the demosponge genus Geodia Lamarck,...