Video-based typology of benthic habitats in New Caledonian reef and lagoon ar...
Habitat typology obtained from the statistical analysis of underwater video data collected from the STAVIRO autonomous unbaited video technique (AMBIO project) Habitat typology... -
Mediterranean process-driven seafloor habitat sensitivity in French waters
Process-driven seafloor habitat sensitivity (PDS) has been defined from the method developed by Kostylev and Hannah (2007), which takes into account physical disturbances and... -
Mediterranean process-driven seafloor habitat sensitivity
Process-driven seafloor habitat sensitivity (PDS) has been defined from the method developed by Kostylev and Hannah (2007), which takes into account physical disturbances and... -
Kelp forest distribution within the Bay of Morlaix (France)
Data represents presence-absence prediction of kelp forest. Biological ground truth data were integrated with high resolution environmental datasets to develop statistical model... -
Circalittoral faunal turf occurrences on the Azores shelves (central north At...
Circalittoral faunal turfs are animal-dominated shelf assemblages that are found on hard substrata between the lower limit of the infralittoral zone and the shelf edge. Benthic... -
Rhodolith occurrences in the Azores (central north Atlantic) between 1998 and...
Rhodoliths is a general term used to designate non-geniculate coralline red algae (Rhodophyta) that live unattached (Riosmena-Rodríguez, 2017). The term is used here to... -
Black coral occurrences on the Azores shelves (central north Atlantic) from 1...
Black corals are antipatharian corals that occur from sublittoral to abyssal depths on hard, mixed and soft substrates. Under favourable conditions, some black coral species... -
Spatial distribution of plankton in the Cabo Frio Upwelling System in the Sou...
<p>Plankton observations along the South Brazilian Shelf, with a focus on the Cabo Frio Upwelling System. The sampling was done using images generated by an in-situ... -
HELCOM/OSPAR Sweden ports water sampling
<p>This dataset includes the data used in in the HELCOM/OSPAR Ballast Water Exemptions Decision Support Tool. This tool was developed in 2013 based on the overall IMO... -
Species and habitats - Pleuronectes platessa - Nurseries - Potential habitat ...
Modelised abundances of several species in coastal nurseries or prediction uncertainty. Modelised abundances of several species in coastal nurseries or prediction uncertainty. -
Spawning areas of Dicentrarchus labrax in the English Channel - Celtic Sea
These maps represent the monthly probability of being a seabass spawning area for each month of the spawning season (January to April), and the mean probability of being a... -
Species and habitats - Merlangius merlangus (Whiting) - Nurseries - Potential...
Modelised abundances of several species in coastal nurseries or prediction uncertainty. Modelised abundances of several species in coastal nurseries or prediction uncertainty. -
Spawning areas of seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in the Bay of Biscay
These maps represent the monthly probability of being a seabass spawning area for each month of the spawning season (January to March), and the mean probability of being a... -
Species and habitats - Dicentrarchus labrax - Nurseries - Potential habitat m...
Modelised abundances of several species in coastal nurseries or prediction uncertainty. Modelised abundances of several species in coastal nurseries or prediction uncertainty. -
Species and habitats - Trisopterus luscus - Nurseries - Potential habitat mod...
Modelised abundances of several species in coastal nurseries or prediction uncertainty. Modelised abundances of several species in coastal nurseries or prediction uncertainty. -
Species and habitats - Sprattus sprattus - Nurseries - Potential habitat mode...
Modelised abundances of several species in coastal nurseries or prediction uncertainty. Modelised abundances of several species in coastal nurseries or prediction uncertainty. -
Zostera marina habitat suitability along French Coast in Bay of Biscay and Ch...
Ten Random Forest models were fitted in order to characterise the environmental niche and to predict the potential spatial distribution of Zostera marina along the French... -
Species and habitats - Limanda limanda (Common dab) - Nurseries - Potential h...
Modelised abundances of several species in coastal nurseries or prediction uncertainty. Modelised abundances of several species in coastal nurseries or prediction uncertainty. -
Species and habitats - Microstomus kitt - Nurseries - Potential habitat model...
Modelised abundances of several species in coastal nurseries or prediction uncertainty. Modelised abundances of several species in coastal nurseries or prediction uncertainty. -
Abundans av humlor och honungsbin i jordbrukslandskap med eller utan blomrems...
Wild bee declines in agricultural landscapes have led farmers to supplement crops with honey bees. Simultaneously, environmental subsidy and conservation programmes have...