Temporal evolution of zooplankton by WP2 net in the Northwestern Mediterranea...
The Observatoire of Villefranche sur Mer supports the daily sampling of zooplankton since 1966 at a time series station located at the entrancy of the Bay of Villefranche sur... -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies Phyllophora July 2017, Improving Environmen...
Macrozoobenthos data: species composition, abundance (ind/m²), biomass (g/m²) collected during the survey of the National Pilot Monitoring Studies Ukraine (NPMS UA) in the... -
2012-2013 University of Plymouth Falmouth maerl bed infauna and sediment surv...
Survey to establish the infaunal species composition and sediment properties of maerl bed habitats in Falmouth Harbour, from SCUBA diver collected core samples. Surveys were... -
Joint Open Sea Surveys August 2017, Improving Environmental Monitoring in the...
Macrozoobenthos data: species composition, abundance (ind/m²), biomass (g/m²) collected during the Joint Open Sea Survey (JOSS UA - GE 2017) in the Black Sea waters (Transects... -
Environmental impact assessments in the eastern part of Adriatic sea - specie...
Provided dataset includes species list of benthic invertebrates and phytobenthos, collected by divers using direct sampling method of randomly chosen samples. Samples were... -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies Phyllophora April 2017, Improving Environme...
Macrozoobenthos data: species composition, abundance (ind/m²), biomass (g/m²) collected during the survey of the National Pilot Monitoring Studies Ukraine (NPMS UA) in the... -
Meiofauna of the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Ionian Sea), 2013-2014
Meiofauna monitoring in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Ionian Sea, southern Italy), 2013-2014 in the framework of the Italian flagship project RITMARE. In June 2013 and April 2014,... -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies Phyllophora August 2017, Improving Environm...
Macrozoobenthos data: species composition, abundance (ind/m²), biomass (g/m²) collected during the survey of the National Pilot Monitoring Studies Ukraine (NPMS UA) in the... -
Littoral Monitoring Network of Cantabria (Invertebrates)
IHCantabria with the support of the Regional Government of Cantabria has been carried out since 2005 the monitoring of the coastal waters of Cantabria in accordance with the... -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies 2016, Improving Environmental Monitoring in...
Macrozoobenthos data: species composition, abundance (ind/m²), biomass (g/m²) collected during the survey of the National Pilot Monitoring Studies Ukraine (NPMS UA) in the... -
Phytoplankton data for Danish marine monitoring (ODAM) from 1988 - 2016
Data is an assembly of plankton monitoring stations situated between 54° and 58° North along the Danish coasts and in estuaries. There are multiple phytoplankton stations and 15... -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies 2017, Improving Environmental Monitoring in...
Macrozoobenthos data: species composition, abundance (ind/m²), biomass (g/m²) collected during the survey of the National Pilot Monitoring Studies Ukraine (NPMS UA) in the... -
Species list of benthic invertebrates and phytobenthos from eastern side of A...
Provided dataset includes species list of benthic invertebrates and phytobenthos, collected by divers using direct sampling method of randomly chosen samples. Samples were... -
Dutch long term monitoring of macrobenthos in the Dutch Continental Economica...
Long term measurements of benthos composition in the Dutch national part of the North Sea. Samples have been taken by benthic sledge, box-corer, video and Hamon sampler. Samples... -
Mesozooplankton abundance from 1959-2017 in the Middle Adriatic Sea
Monthly mesoozooplankton samplings started in 1959, performed by vertical tows of Hensen net (73 cm mouth diameter, 330 µm mesh size) from 100–0 m at towing speed of 0.3 m s-1.... -
SHARK - National marine environmental monitoring of zooplankton in Sweden sin...
The national monitoring program was initiated by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and is now financed by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management.... -
SHARK - National marine environmental monitoring of zooplankton in Sweden sin...
The national monitoring program was initiated by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and is now financed by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management.... -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies Phyllophora August 2017, Improving Environm...
Macrozoobenthos data: species composition, abundance (ind/m²), biomass (g/m²) collected during the survey of the National Pilot Monitoring Studies Ukraine (NPMS UA) in the... -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies 2017, Improving Environmental Monitoring in...
Macrozoobenthos data: species composition, abundance (ind/m²), biomass (g/m²) collected during the survey of the National Pilot Monitoring Studies Ukraine (NPMS UA) in the... -
Phytoplankton data for Danish marine monitoring (ODAM) from 1988 - 2016
Data is an assembly of plankton monitoring stations situated between 54° and 58° North along the Danish coasts and in estuaries. There are multiple phytoplankton stations and 15...