Depth Profile of High Hole-Mobility Polymer/Fullerene-derivative Bilayers for...
Advantages of using organic materials as the active layer in photovoltaics include their suitability for low cost and large area processes and their mechanical flexibility. In... -
Dynamics of a New and High Performance Proton Conductor ZnADP.3H2O
We propose to measure the dynamics in ZnADP¿3H2O, a new and high performance material that exhibits proton conductivity as high as Nafion membranes, which is the best commercial... -
Evolve of the Spin Waves in Rb0.8Fe1.6Se2 at High Temperature
The newly discovered AxFe2-ySe2 (A=K,Rb,Cs) compounds have attracted great interests because of their parent compounds are insulators instead of being metallic [2-6].... -
Control of the Dimensionality of Magnetic Interaction by using Carbon Nanotub...
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High pressure behaviour of sulfuric acid tetrahydrate
Our previous work on sulfuric acid tetrahydrate (SAT) identified a monoclinic high-pressure polymorph, which forms at 5.35 kbar when the tetragonal low-pressure phase is warmed... -
High Temperature Micromechanics Ni-based Superalloys: Creep, Stress Relaxatio...
In this study, in-situ high-temperature loading investigations will be performed to characterise the micromechanics of a high strength alloy 720Li, during stress relaxation in... -
Inelastic Neutron Scattering Analysis of hydration layers on SnO2 and CoO Nan...
INS provides an ideal probe to determine the vibrational density of states of water confined on the surface of metal-oxide nanoparticles from which the thermodynamic properties... -
High strain rate studies of twinning
Where a material can plastically deform by more than one mechanism, the relative extent to which the various mechanisms operate often depends on the strain rate. Most metals... -
Origins of a potentially new phase transition in BiFeO3
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Higher resolution inspection of the hydrocarbon pool connected with the metha...
The reaction of methanol to form hydrocarbons over zeolite catalysts is an important option for conversion of natural gas or coal to liquid fuels. We have shown previously via... -
High temperature superstructures in thermoelectric oxides
Sodium cobalate has emerged as one of the best thermoelectric materials. Our previous neutron Laue diffraction studies on SXD have found ordered arrays of multivacancy clusters,... -
High resolution neutron powder diffraction studies of the cubic spinels Li2Ni...
We propose to study the structures of Li2NiGe3O8 and Li2ZnGe3O8 using variable temperature high resolution powder neutron diffraction, with the intention of locating the Li... -
High Pressure studies of BiMO3 perovskites
Bismuth based perovskites have been shown display many interesting properties. The field of A site bismuth perovskites gained renewed vigour due to the recent demonstration of... -
Mechanism Study of Hydrogen (Deuterium) Dynamics and Multifferoics in Geometr...
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Surface Layer Structures of Short Peptide Amphiphiles
Short peptide sequences consisting of hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acid units are capable of self-assembly, leading to interfacial adsorption and solution nano-aggregation.... -
High field musr investigation of Shastry-Sutherland phase in Ce2-xPd2+yIn1-z
The Shastry-Sutherland lattice (SSL) can be described as a 2D square lattice built up from a network of dimers disposed orthogonally and has been observed in SrCu2(BO2)3.... -
High Field muSR of Dy2Ti2O7 along [111]: Investigating a partial magnetizatio...
Dy2Ti2O7 is a pyrochlore antiferromagnet that has a partial magnetization plateau between 0.1 and 0.9T for magnetic fields applied along the [111] direction. This represents a... -
Geometry Dependence of Emergent Magnetisation Dynamics in Interconnected Nano...
Six days of OFFSPEC beam time is requested to expand our recent investigations of emergent magnetisation dynamics in ensembles of interconnected ring-shaped nanowires. In recent... -
High Pressure Structural Study of BiCoO3
BiCoO3 is a perovskite type material recently prepared by high pressure-high temperature synthesis in Kyoto. It has a distorted acentric perovskite structure with order of high... -
Commissioning of High Temerature Furnace
The maximum operating temperature of standard ISIS furnaces with vanadium elements and shields is limited to 1000C (1100C under exceptional circumstances). The ultra...