3 datasets found

Keywords: Hosta

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  • Historical Phenology Data from Observatory St-Maur-des-Fossés, INRAE Versaill...

    Données d'observation sur la phénologie de plusieurs plantes (Arbres, arbustes, fruitiers, plantes vivaces...) de l'Observatoire du Parc St-Maur entre les années 1875 et 1947....
  • OLIN-studierna

    The Obstructive Lung Disease in Northern Sweden (OLIN) Studies, is a research program ongoing since 1985. It includes descriptive, analytic and interventional epidemiologic...
  • ADONIX-studien

    "ADONIX" is an acronyme for "Adult-onset asthma and nitric oxide" and is the collective name for the population study conducted by the Department of Occupational and...
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