Evolution of spin wave excitations of Mn3Sn in different magnetic ordered phases
Mn3Sn has very complex magnetic ordered phase, a clear magnetic phase transition happens at T=~280K accompanied by the vanishing of AHE.For our Mn3Sn crystal grown by flux... -
Inelastic neutron scattering investigations of the high temperature phase tra...
Recently it has been reported that YbAl3C3 undergoes an antiferromagnetic quadrupolar ordering transition at 80 K, Further study by Ochiai et al. revealed that the transition at... -
Unravelling spin fluctuation components in a stripe-ordered cuprate
In previous experiments at ILL we observed a gap in the magnetic excitation spectrum of the stripe-ordered superconductor (La,Nd)2-xSrxCuO4, x=0.12. We observed a spin gap of... -
Charting the increase in spin fluctuations as we approach the critical point ...
The LaFe13-xSix system (x<1.6) has a first order ferromagnetic, FM, to paramagnetic, PM, transition that is tunable in magnetic field, ending at a (tri)critical point (Hcrit,... -
Anomalous lattice dynamics of the elemental superconductor niobium
Phonon lifetimes in BCS superconductors provide information on the details of the electron-phonon coupling mechanism. In 2008 high-resolution neutron inelastic scattering... -
The mechanism of CO oxidation over PdO.H2O
The aim of the present proposal is to investigate the mechanism of CO oxidation over hydrous palladium oxide, both directly and indirectly. For the direct route, the sample will... -
Test for clustering in dilute CoxMg1-xO (x=0.03):
We have been pursuing a study of the magnetic fluctuations in CoO involving a single crystal experiment on MERLIN. To understand the complex magnetic hamiltonian involving... -
Crystal electric field excitations of pyrochlore quantum antiferromagnet Ce2S...
We have recently discovered an exotic magnetic state developing at subKelvin temperatures in the Ce3+ pyrochlore stannate. The spin system of this compound is characterized by a... -
Inelastic neutron scattering studies of bismuth oxyhalide photocatalysts
The material Bi24O31Br10(OH)x; is a novel highly efficient photocatalyst for organic redox reactions, and we are currently investigating structurally similar bismuth oxyhalides... -
Magnetic Excitations of Isolated and Pairs of Co Ions and in MgO
The magnetic excitations will be studied in a powdered sample of 3% CoO in 97% MgO in order to to study the excitations of isolated Co ions and of isolated pairs of Co ions.... -
Relationships between microstructure and deformation mechanisms in a new Ni-b...
Haynes 282 is a novel Ni-base superalloy, combining excellent weldability and general processability with a moderate cost. As such, it is a very promising material for e.g.... -
Preparation for single crystal ammonium sulfate experiment
This dataset has no description
Ba4Mn3O10 and Sr4Mn3O10 crystallize in an orthorhombic crystal structure consisting of corrugated layers containing Mn3O12 polydedra. The magnetic susceptibility of the... -
Quantum Entanglement of Neutron Spin, Path and Energy
What does a quantum particle do when you are not looking at it? For a classical moving object, like a golf ball, we know its trajectory even when we are not looking at it. This... -
Quantification of Brønsted acid site densities in zeolites: an INS investigation
As part of an on-going industrial/academic collaboration in to the application of neutron spectroscopy to probe commercially relevant zeolites, this proposal seeks to use the... -
Inelastic Neutron Scattering study on new tetragonal compound Ce2PdGe3
Cerium-based Kondo lattice compounds have received great attention, owing mostly to the variety of exotic ground states that they exhibit (e.g., unconventional... -
INS study of multifunctional zeolites for catalytic conversion of methanol to...
Efficient synthesis of light olefins from renewable resources remains a major challenge. We request 6 days on MAPS to carry out inelastic neutron scattering (INS) study of a... -
Spin excitations in RbFe2F6 ¿ A possible S=5/2 Kagome lattice?
We propose to investigate the spin fluctuations in a candidate S=5/2 Kagome lattice. Previous neutron diffraction has found that RbFe2F6 maybe a good realization of a Kagome... -
Non-magnetic impurities in a strong-leg spin ladder
Th S = ½ AF spin ladder is one of the most important models in quantum magnetism. While its properties throughout the (H,T)-phase diagram may be considered to be well understood... -
Phonon density of states in W, Mo, Nb-doped CaMnO3 thermoelectric ceramics
Thermoelectric materials are able to directly convert a difference of temperature into electricity and vice-versa. Hence, they can be employed either in energy harvesting from...