WFJ2: Snow measurements from the Weissfluhjoch research site, Davos
This dataset provides HS, TSS and TS50, TS100, TS150 at the station WFJ2 situated on the Weisfluhjoch research site (2536 m asl). It has been created from merging ENET and IMIS... -
Source code for: Climate change scenarios at hourly time-step over Switzerlan...
This repository contains the source code of the analysis presented in the related paper. The code can be found in the following github repository:... -
Snow Height Classification Dataset
Snow Height Classification dataset provides manually annotated snow height data that can be used for development and evaluation of automatic snow height classification... -
IMIS measuring network
The Intercantonal Measurement and Information System (IMIS) consists of nearly 200 automatic measuring stations. They are distributed throughout the Swiss Alps and the Jura... -
Dataset for: Climate change scenarios at hourly time-step over Switzerland fr...
In fall 2019, a new set of climate change scenarios has been released for Switzerland, the CH2018 dataset (www.climate-scenarios.ch). The data are provided at daily resolution....