Expenditure and service level data for water supply systems and sanitation fa...
This folder contains expenditure and service level data for water supply systems and sanitation facilities in Burkina Faso. Additionally a sample of the survey tools used to... -
Expenditure and service level data for water supply systems and sanitation fa...
Expenditure and services level data delivered by a variety of of water supply systems and sanitation facilities in Ghana. Primary data collection of household and water point... -
Curaçaose cijferreeksen 1828 - 1955
Tussen 1972 en 1980 werden de onderzoeksgegevens verzameld, die o.a. werden verwerkt in de volgende publicaties 'Olie als water - de Curacaose economie in de eerste helft van de... -
Deposition scenarios from Baltic Sea ship traffic with scrubbers
A change in regulation for maximum sulfur content in maritime fuel, in 2015 from 1 to 0.1 %, decreases the atmospheric sulfur concentration and deposition significantly.... -
20th century deposition from Baltic Sea ship traffic
Historical atmospheric depositions of sulphate, nitrate, and ammonium from land and shipping in the BalticSea. When using this dataset, please also cite: Omstedt, A., Edman,... -
Plan de gestion des données de la plateforme d'infectiologie expérimentale de...
Plan de gestion de données de la Plateforme d'infectiologie expérimentale des rongeurs et des poissons -
Plan de gestion de données
Plan de gestion de données de la Plateforme d'infectiologie expérimentale -
Curaçaose cijferreeksen 1828 - 1955
Tussen 1972 en 1980 werden de onderzoeksgegevens verzameld, die o.a. werden verwerkt in de volgende publicaties 'Olie als water - de Curacaose economie in de eerste helft van de... -
Expenditure and service level data for water supply systems and sanitation fa...
This folder contains expenditure and service level data for water supply systems and sanitation facilities in Burkina Faso. Additionally a sample of the survey tools used to... -
Is infrastructure capital productive? A dynamic heterogeneous approach (repli...
This paper offers an evaluation of the output contribution of infrastructure. Using a panel time series approach and a large cross-country dataset, the paper estimates a...