Modellerade kväve och svavelnedfall över Europa 1980-2011
The Eulerian Transport and Chemistry model MATCH (Robertson et al. 1999) has been used to estimate the deposition over Europe from 1980 to 2011. In data to the model is... -
"ADONIX" is an acronyme for "Adult-onset asthma and nitric oxide" and is the collective name for the population study conducted by the Department of Occupational and... -
Samband mellan luftföroreningar och stroke och hjärtinfarkt i Skåne
Information about diabetes diagnosis, hypertension and atrial fibrillation, smoking and physical inactivity were collected via postal survey. This information were afterwards... -
Riksmaten vuxna 2010-2011 - Kostregistrering
In Riksmaten adults 2010–11, a representative sample of 5000 individuals between 18–80 years living in Sweden were invited to participate in the study. The data collection took... -
Riksmaten vuxna 2010-2011- Enkät
In Riksmaten adults 2010–11, a representative sample of 5000 individuals between 18–80 years living in Sweden were invited to participate in the study. The data collection took... -
Riksmaten vuxna 2010-2011 - Provtagning
In Riksmaten adults 2010–11, a representative sample of 5000 individuals between 18–80 years living in Sweden were invited to participate in the study. The data collection took... -
Riksmaten 1997-98
In 1997-98, the Statistics Sweden in co-operation with the National Food Administration (NFA) carried out the second nationwide Swedish dietary survey, Riksmaten. The study was... -
Riksmaten barn 2003: 4-åringar
A national food survey was carried out during 2003 on children 4 year old and school children in grade 2 and in grade 5. The method was an open and estimated food diary over... -
Riksmaten barn 2003: Skolbarn (åk 2 och 5)
A national food survey was carried out during 2003 on children 4 year old and school children in grade 2 and in grade 5. The method was an open and estimated food diary over... -
Kaffe, homocystein och B-vitaminer
Elevated level of homocysteine has been identified as a graded and independent risk factor for coronary heart disease. The metabolism of homocysteine is dependent on the... -
Hälsorisker i arbete vid elproduktion och eldistribution
In studies regarding occupation exposure to extremly low frequent (50 - 60 Hz) electric and magnetic fields have some disorders in biologic systems been reported. In the late... -
Characterization of organic nitrate constituents of secondary organic aerosol...
The gas-phase nitrate radical (NO3*) initiated oxidation of limonene can produce organic nitrate species with varying physical properties. Low-volatility products can contribute... -
Metylering av kvicksilver i naturliga och experimentella svaveldepositionsgra...
Examine methylation of mercury in a west-east gradient in southern Sweden to cover a natural sulfur-deposition gradient. Peat samples were taken at a depth of 5-30 cm below the...