Wege von Geflüchteten an deutsche Hochschulen. Survey mit geflüchteten und an...
Das Projekt ‚Wege von Geflüchteten an deutsche Hochschulen‘, kurz: WeGe, wurde von April 2017 bis März 2021 vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) im Rahmen der... -
DICE: Pilots for the integration with other services & platforms
This deliverable includes the pilot use cases for the integration of data services with computing platforms of T4.1 the integration of the integrity check for PIDs of T4.2 the... -
DICE: Pilots description and validation
This deliverable describes the use cases pilot design for integration of the platforms selected, and validation tests in progress or planned to demonstrate their impact. -
DICE: Intermediate report on the integration of CDI Operation and Collaborati...
This is the intermediate report on the integration of services. The main focus is on the integration activities of the Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI) Operation and... -
DICE: Initial architecture plan on the integration of CDI Operation and Colla...
First report on the initial design of the integration architecture. The main focus is on the planned integration activities of the Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI)... -
DICE: Planning for the integration with other services & platforms
This deliverable consists of the technical report from task 4.1 “Compute and Analysis” on the integration of B2-services and object storage services, and from task 4.4... -
Wege von Geflüchteten an deutsche Hochschulen. Interviews mit Mitarbeiter*inn...
Das Projekt ‚Wege von Geflüchteten an deutsche Hochschulen‘, kurz: WeGe, wurde von April 2017 bis März 2021 vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) im Rahmen der... -
Refugee Health and Integration Survey (ReHIS) (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The dataset contains primary data on physical and mental health, subjective well-being, access to health services and access barriers, and... -
Austrian Immigrant Survey 2016 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The Austrian Immigrat Survey 2016 is a supplementary telephone survey to the main survey of the Social Survey Austria (SSÖ) 2016. In the... -
Labour Market Integration of Refugees in Austria (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. In 2015, Austria was one of the EU countries that received the most refugees in relation to its population (including Sweden, Hungary and... -
MiCREATE - Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe. Survey ...
Full edition for scientific use. The data was collected as part of the H2020 project "MiCREATE - Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe". It consists of... -
MiCREATE - Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe. Intervi...
Full edition for scientific use. The data was collected as part of the H2020 project "MiCREATE - Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe". It consists of... -
European Union 2000
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Attitudes in Lower Austria about Czech EU Membership 2001
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Parliamentary Elections in the Czech Republic and the Bene decrees 2002
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Immigration and Migration 2005
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Attitudes about Czech EU Membership in Upper Austria 2001
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Ausländer/Integration 2004
Thema: Ausländer, Integration Probability Telephone interview: CATI -
Integration of Immigrants in Austria 2001
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Attitudes in Lower Austria about Slovakian EU Membership 2001
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview