Flight Simulation Data from Hybrid UAV Missions Affected by Degradation
A flight simulation environment is used to analyse the influence of degradation-related functional losses of the various UAV actuators on flight stability. The increasing wear... -
Emotional Eyes for Automated Vehicles: Investigating Design Dimensions and Pe...
This dataset is supplementary material to a publication of an online survey investigating emotional eyes of automated vehicles (AVs) for AV-pedestrian interaction. The online... -
The impact of clustered, dynamic and stochastic estimated time of arrival for...
This data set contains the problem instances for the dynamic and stochastic Pick-up and Delivery Problem with Time Windows and clustered release dates (PDPTW-crd) from the... -
The impact of clustered, dynamic and stochastic estimated time of arrival for...
This data set contains the problem instances for the dynamic and stochastic Pick-up and Delivery Problem with Time Windows and clustered release dates (PDPTW-crd) from the... -
The impact of clustered, dynamic and stochastic estimated time of arrival for...
This data set contains the problem instances for the dynamic and stochastic Pick-up and Delivery Problem with Time Windows and clustered release dates (PDPTW-crd) from the... -
GNOSIS Flugzeugmodelle
Diese zusätzlichen Informationen dokumentieren den Umsetzungsprozess der GNOSIS Fallstudie anhand des Frameworks in den drei Methodenteilen ex-post Sachbilanz, ex-ante... -
Editierbares Parameterverzeichnis
Diese zusätzlichen Informationen dokumentieren den Umsetzungsprozess der erweiterten Ökobilanzierung. Im ersten Teil erfolgt die Generierung von Parametern für den frühen... -
Ökobilanz-Bericht für den Flugzeugvorentwurf von Flugtransportalternativen ei...
Life Cycle Assessment of electrified aircraft transportation -
Environmental Conditions in Lidar and Radar Data
Safety validation of automated driving functions is a major challenge that is partly tackled by means of simulation-based testing. The virtual validation approach always entails... -
Visual Feature Track Dataset
This dataset contains 282 visual feature tracks. A visual feature track is a sequence of feature observations of the same real 3D-landmark in consecutive image frames. These... -
Supplementary Data Table S1: Meta-analysis of Lithium-Ion Batteries
This data table contains literature values regarding the specific energy and greenhouse gas emissions during production and end-of-life of lithium-ion batteries. -
Umfragedaten zu "NFDI4Ing - Rückmeldung aus den Forschungscommunities"
Die Online-Umfrage "NFDI4Ing - Rückmeldung aus den Forschungscommunities" wurde vom Konsortium NFDI4Ing (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur für die Ingenieurwissenschaften,... -
Urban Consolidation Centers and City Toll Schemes – Problem Instances and Sol...
This data set contains the vehicle routing problem instances and a solution summary for the multi-trip multi-path fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem with time windows... -
Supplementary Data Table S2: Meta-analysis of Fuels
The data table contains several literature values regarding the densities, fuely supply greenhouse gas emissions and direct fuel greenhouse gas emissions. The considered fuels... -
Virtual Reality in Manual Order Picking - Statistical analyses
Semi-automated parts-to-picker systems are becoming more popular in order picking, making efficient rack designs for fast searching and picking more important. Virtual reality... -
Datensatz zum kontrollierten Feldtest: Untersuchungen zu Verhaltensanpassunge...
Zur Prüfung vonHypothesen wurde eine quasi-experimentelle Studie mit Messwiederholungen im kontrollierten Feld durchgeführt. Auf einem abgesperrten Testgelände interagierten 37... -
Result Video: Two Behavior Algorithms Driving the Racecar
The video shows firstly a controller to drive a racecar in the simulation program Project Cars 2 and secondy two different implemented behavioral algorithms that control a... -
Validierung der deutschen Fassung der „Pedestrian Behavior Scale“
Zur Erfassung des Verhaltens von Fußgänger:innen bei der Straßenquerung wurde im Jahr 2013 die „Pedestrian Behavior Scale“ (PBS) entwickelt, die auf fünf unabhängigen Faktoren... -
Source Code: Sequential Linearized Motion Planner for Racecar Behavior
Source Code for the Project. It includes an algorithm for sequential linearization of a point mass model to plan racecar behavior with respect to another vehicle on the track. -
Varied Simulation Data of Degradation of Brushless Direct Current Motors
Feature Dataset of simulated BLDC motor derived under varying simulated degradation and noise conditions at several sample rates.