Eurobarometer 43.0: Cross-border purchases, smoking habits, and cancer risks,...
This round of Eurobarometer surveys queried respondents on standard Eurobarometer measures such as public awareness of and attitudes toward the European Union (EU), and also... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2010
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey - the National SOM - in order to identify the Swedish public's habits and attitudes on the topics... -
VALU 2014 - SVT:s vallokalsundersökning Europaparlamentsvalet 2014
This exit poll survey was carried out in connection with the election to the European parliament on May 25, 2014. In VALU - Swedish exit poll surveys - voters leaving polling... -
Europaparlamentsvalundersökning 2019
The European Parliament Election Study 2019 was conducted in collaboration between the Department of Political Science in Gothenburg and Statistics Sweden (SCB). The... -
Europaparlamentsvalundersökning 2014
The European Parliament Election Study 2014 was conducted in collaboration between the Department of Political Science in Gothenburg and Statistics Sweden (SCB). This... -
Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem)
Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) is a new approach to conceptualizing and measuring democracy. It is a collaboration among more than 50 scholars worldwide which is co-hosted by... -
Internationella förhandlingsbarometern
The International Negotiations Survey is a research program with the aim to advance interdisciplinary knowledge using questionnaire data collected at international negotiations.... -
Terminologiska resurser från Migrationsverket
Files with term lists, delivered by e-mail directly from the Swedish Migration Agency. One Swedish-English term list that constitutes the greater part of this material, plus... -
Översättningsminnen Migrationsverket
Translation memories extracted by Tilde (www.tilde.com) from the data i Texts from the Swedish Migration Agency Extraction done by Tilde (www.tilde.com) within the framework of... -
Parallella texter från SIDA
Parallel texts collected from the SIDAs website. Parallel texts downloaded from SIDAs website. What was actually downloaded were pdf files. The txt files that are available are... -
Parallella texter från Migrationsverket
Parallel texts downloaded with "w3m -dump" from an ubuntu shell, from the website of the Swedish Migration Agency. The texts have been downloaded using the command 'w3m -dump'... -
Svensk valundersökning 1973
This study is number six in the collection of Swedish election studies carried out in connection with a general election. In 1973 a new kind of panel was introduced. This was a... -
Opinionsledares världsbild 1974
The research project 'Information strategies - analysis and evaluation of trials to spread information on developing countries through multimedia' was requested to evaluate an... -
Rapportering om Portugalrevolutionen 1975 i radio och TV - Jämförelser med sv...
On the request of the radio committee an investigation was made during the autumn of 1975 and the spring of 1976 of the Broadcasting Corporation´s reporting about the events in... -
Bakgrund och struktur i utrikesmaterial i svensk press 1974
The material has been collected from 13 Swedish dailies (Aftonbladet, Expressen, Göteborgs-Posten, Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Arbetet, Kvällsposten,... -
TV:s utlandsrapportering 1975 - jämförelse radio och TT - TV:s utlandsrapport...
On the request of the 1974 Swedish Broadcasting Committee this study of the Swedish television´s international reporting was made during the autumn of 1975 and the spring of... -
U-landsinformation 1974
The research project 'Information strategies - analysis and evaluation of trials to spread information on developing countries through multimedia' (Informationsstrategier -... -
Sverige under andra världskriget: Pressregister 1938-1945
This reference database (SUAV) gives the content, in numeric code, of about 160 000 articles from 27 Swedish newspapers between the years 1938 and 1945. The articles deal with... -
Tanzania i svensk press 1974-1975
The aim of the study was to illustrate with a practical case the information about developing countries in the Swedish press, and to study how a joint information effort, the... -
Dagspressjournalister och utrikesinformationen 1974/1975
This study is a part of a research project about trials to spread information on developing countries through multimedia (see SND 0146). The purpose of this survey was to...