Li-enriched layered transition metal cathode materials are attracting long-standing interest since they exhibit energy densities and capacities significantly higher than the... -
muSR study on non-centrosymmetric Ce-based heavy fermion superconductors: CeT...
Recently a handful of non-centrosymmetric Ce-based HF compounds with general formula CeTX3 (T=transition mental and X=Si or Ge) have been reported to exhibit superconductivity... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study of PrTSi3 (T = Ir, Rh and Ru)
Recently we have synthesized and investigated three new ternary intermetallic compounds PrTSi3 (T = Ir, Rh and Ru) which form in BaNiSn3-type tetragonal structure (space group... -
Magnetic ordering in the frustrated honeycomb antiferromagnet Li2IrO3
This proposal is part of our research programme to explore novel ground states in frustrated quantum magnets. Strong spin-orbit coupling is predicted to stabilize composite... -
Spin dynamics of Ce in the Noncentrosymmetric Heavy-Fermion Superconductors C...
In centrosymmetric heavy-fermion (HF) superconductors Cooper pairs have either singlet or triplet symmetry. Recently a handful of non-centrosymmetric Ce-based HF compounds have... -
Microscopic characterization of Ba5AlIr2O11
Iridium-containing oxide magnets are interesting because the different interactions controlling their magnetic properties have similar energies associated with them. This leads... -
The Interaction of wild-type and mutant Puroindoline B with Model Bacterial M...
Bacterial and fungal infections of cereal crops pose a considerable risk to global food security. Typically plant pathogens are controlled through the use of chemical agents... -
Neutron reflection study of spin coat grapheme oxide films
We have recently been able to form a thin graphene oxide (GO) film with uniform thickness around 30±2Å from aqueous GO suspensions by spin coating (onto small wafers for... -
Muon spin rotation study on PrTSi3 (T = Ir, Rh and Ru)
Recently we have investigated three new ternary intermetallic compounds PrTSi3 (T = Ir, Rh and Ru) which form in BaNiSn3-type tetragonal structure. The susceptibility exhibits... -
Magnetic interactions in ferromagnetic topological insulator multilayer struc...
Topological insulators are one of the most important recent discoveries in condensed matter physics. The topological surface state can become gapped when ferromagnetic order is... -
Crystal structure analysis of new hyperhoneycomb iridate beta-H2IrO3
The realization of a spin liquid is a long-sought dream in condensed matter physics. The theoretical predication for Kitaev spin liquid in honeycomb iridates triggered...