Rhyolitic tephra composition in sediment cores OB16A and OB16B from Orakei ma...
Rhyolitic tephra data (Major element oxides from glass shards) from Orakei maar, Auckland, New Zealand, measured at the electron microprobe at Victoria University of Wellington... -
Geochemistry of fluvial sediment from the Gersprenz, Modau, Muemling, and Upp...
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Tephra characterisation of Holocene sediment core ARM14-I-04 from Lake Armor,...
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Precipitate mineralogy of the secondary phases developed in an abandoned high...
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(Table 5) Host rock major element oxides and trace element geochemistry in th...
All percentages in wt%. -
Tephra geochemistry from Lake Ohrid (Macedonia/Albania) sediment core ICDP5045-1
Geochemical finger print data (in wt. %) of individual glass shards from 3 three previously described cryptotephra layer in the Late Glacial to Holocene sediments of the DEEP... -
(Table 2) Sequential iron extraction from the Bravo Lake Formation, Nunavut i...
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(Table 1) Chemistry of DSDP Site 68-503 solids
Important phases not determined include H2O, Ba (present as barite), and CaO (present as Plagioclase feldspar). Concentrations of Na2O, K2O, MgO, and Sr/Ca are all... -
(Table 5) Chemical composition of Holocene siliceous sediments from the Sea o...
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(Table 4) Chemical composition of carbonates from Core Ge99-31-4 collected in...
Zero values = not determined. -
Major and trace elements from IODP Site U1456 in the eastern Arabian Sea sinc...
Site U1456 (location: 16°37.28′N, 68°50.33′E; length: 1109.4 m) was drilled at a water depth of 3640 m within the Laxmi Basin in the eastern Arabian Sea duirng International... -
XRF-core logger measurements from IODP Hole 365-C0010E
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XRF-core logger measurements from IODP Hole 365-C0010D
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XRF-core logger measurements from IODP Hole 365-C0010C
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XRF-core logger measurements from IODP Hole 348-C0002P
Geocode = Top Core depth (below sea floor) [m CSF-A] -
XRF-core logger measurements from IODP Hole 348-C0002N
Geocode = Top Depth DSF, MSF, WSF and CSF-A [m] -
XRF-core logger measurements from IODP Hole 348-C0002P
Geocode = Top Depth DSF, MSF, WSF and CSF-A [m] -
XRF-core logger measurements from IODP Hole 348-C0002M
Geocode = Top Depth DSF, MSF, WSF and CSF-B [m, CMP] -
XRF-core logger measurements from IODP Hole 319-C0009A
'DEPTH, sediment': Depth labeled with Leg, Site and Hole only (e.g. 319-C0009A) corresponds to 'Top/Bottom Mud depth below sea floor'. Depth labeled with complete core labels... -
XRF-core logger measurements from IODP Hole 319-C0009A
Geocode = [m CSF-A] Top Core depth (below sea floor)