High-Energy dynamics and search for a continuum in CaFe2O4
We propose to investigate the high-energy (above 10 meV) excitations using either the MERLIN or MAPS chopper instruments. CaFe2O4 is interesting for several reasons. First, it... -
Pressure effect on stable and metastable structural phases in geometrically f...
Geometrically frustrated antiferromagnet LuBaCo4O7 exhibits unusual competition between two low-temperature phases with orthorhombic and monoclinic symmetry. Depending on... -
Structural examination of aqueous perchlorate at low temperature
In 2008 NASA¿s Phoenix Lander mission landed on the surface of Mars to complete physical and chemical analyses aimed at characterising the history of water and potential... -
Investigation of single crystal diamond detectors at high temperature under i...
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Determination of the density of states of liquid light and heavy water as a f...
Liquid light and heavy water are the most widely used moderator and reflector materials in nuclear reactors, however there is a lack of knowledge of the vibrational density of... -
Melting point dynamics of Confined fluids
This proposal aims to investigate the dynamics of the melting transition in H2O and CO2 when confined in a vycor (SiO2) matrix. The field of fluids in confined geometries is... -
Dynamics of Confined CO2
This proposal aims to investigate and compare the dynamics of CO2 when confined in a nanoporous Vycor (SiO2) matrix. The field of fluids in confined geometries is currently of... -
Investigating the ammoniation of light metal hydrides for hydrogen storage ap...
Light-metal hydride and amide systems are currently among the most promising materials for reversible hydrogen storage. In this proposal, we ask for 3 days on POLARIS or GEM to... -
Using small angle neutron diffraction to describe the status of water in solu...
Fish oocytes and embryos are complex cryobiological objects for which, successful cryopreservation has still not been achieved. This circumstance seriously restricts the... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study in geometrically frustrated magnet BaV10O15.
In orbitally degenerated triangular system it is predicted that orbital ordering and associated local magnetic trimerization to remove frustration. In BaV10O15 lattice... -
Spin excitations in La2O2Fe2OSe2 ¿ A Mott insulator candidate
We propose to map out the spin excitations in La2O2FeOSe2 using the MARI chopper spectrometer on a powder sample. Although the structure of La2O2FeOSe2 has some similarities to... -
Study of Pressure Induced Ferromagnetic to Antiferromagnetic Phase Transition...
Ce-based Kondo lattice systems present exotic behavior due to the competing RKKY, Kondo and crystal field interactions. The Kondo lattice CeRuPO, crystallizing in the famous... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study of the antiferromagnetic triangular system...
We propose to study the temperature dependence of the inelastic response of BaCoO3. This system gives the experimental evidence of a new partially disordered antiferromagnetic... -
Neutron Diffraction study of Highly Frustrated SrEr2O4
We propose to measure the neutron diffraction pattern of a single crystal sample of SrEr2O4, using the WISH diffractometer. As the magnetic Er ions in this compound are linked... -
The anionic alkali metal complexes in solution
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Drug solvation in amphiphilic solutions: understanding how small molecules cr...
Understanding how drugs interact with physiologically relevant environments is crucial for the future of effective drug design. An important class of potential drugs are central...