Defects and Medium-Range Disorder in the Metal¿Organic Framework UiO-66
We wish to use NIMROD to study the distribution and nature of defect sites in the high-thermal-stability metal-organic framework UiO-66. For the most part, defect structures in... -
Characterisation of Zeolite Precursor Gels Over Wide Q Range
Our objective is to determine new structural information about the structure of amorphous silicate gels formed early in the synthesis of crystalline, microporous zeolites. This... -
Spatial, Chemical, and Temporal Resolution of Platinum-Catalysed Benzene Conv...
This proposal aims to study the potential for neutron diffraction to offer spatially-, chemically-, and temporally-resolved information on a dynamic system, in this case the... -
Investigation of the structure of self-assembling peptide fibrils using neutr...
A consortium of several UK universities and industries has been set up, based at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, to investigate ¿Length-scale bridging in... -
Characterisation of superalloys strengthened by Co3Ti
One method by which the efficiency of gas turbine engines may be improved is by increasing the gas stream temperature on entry to the turbine. Currently this temperature is... -
Multiscale time-resolving study of crystallisation in poly(e-caprolactone) ba...
We will exploit the unique capability of Nimrod in the study of the long standing issue of polymer crystallisation. We focus on polycaprolactone containing small quantities of...