6 datasets found

Keywords: JSON

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  • RePlay-DH Process Metadata Schema

    The RePlay-DH process metadata schema defines the JSON representation of process metadata used by the RePlay-DH client.
  • url to database

    Give the program a URL that points to a REST endpoint, download the JSON data and store it in a PostgreSQL database.
  • B2Share on Invenio 3 presentation

    These are the slides used to present B2Share version 2 data model and JSON Schema usage at the Open Repository 2016 conference and at the EUDAT User Meeting in June 2016.
  • RePlay-DH Process Metadata Schema

    The RePlay-DH process metadata schema defines the JSON representation of process metadata used by the RePlay-DH client.
  • CorpusExplorer

    Software for corpus linguists and text/data mining enthusiasts. The CorpusExplorer combines over 45 interactive visualizations under a user-friendly interface. Routine tasks...
  • CEC6-Converter

    Diese Software erlaubt eine Konvertierung von *.cec6.gz-Dateien in 24 Formate, die in der Korpuslinguistik / NLProc üblich sind. Die Ausführung ist unter allen modernen...
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