Understanding the insertion of antibiotic toxins into the gram negative outer...
The gram-negative bacterial membrane is of extreme medical importance. Two of its major components are lipopolysaccharides (LPS's) and integral membrane proteins. Porins are... -
Outer membrane mimics using novel thiol-PC
We have recently shown that dense monolayers of PC can be assembled on gold surfaces using a new omega thiol PC from Avanti. This has two advantages over our previous methods.... -
Skyrmion-like structures induced by copper doping in multiferroic CaCuxMn7-xO12
Multiferroic CaMn7O12 possesses giant magnetically induced ferroelectricity at relatively high temperatures - key properties for technological application. X-ray and neutron... -
The Interaction of Ammonia with Binary and Ternary Deuterides;
The interaction of ammonia with binary hydrides (prototypically, the interaction of LiH with ammonia gas) is thought to be the predominant interaction for hydrogen production... -
Vibrational properties of ammine complexes
Our intention is to study the INS spectra of ammine complexes nNH3LiBH4 (with n = 1,2,3,4) and nNH3LiI (n=1). Ammine complexes (MXm(NH3)n), amides (M(NH2)m), and imides... -
Decomposition studies of Li(1-x)NaxND2, LiNa2(ND2)3 and Li3Na(ND2)4
We ask for 3 days on GEM to study in-situ the decomposition of the Na-substituted LiNH2 phases, Li1-xNaxND2, LiNa2(ND2)3, Li3Na(ND2)4 and their reactions with LiD. LiNH2 is the... -
Low Temperature Ordering in ZrMn2+xD3 Superstochiometric Deuterides
ZrMn2H3 is a Laves Phase intermetallic hydride with interesting materials properties - unlike most Laves Phases, the parent alloy ZrMn2 is not a line phase but has a wide range... -
A search for transverse phonons in DNA
We have begun an experimental program to investigate the denaturing of DNA, using scattering techniques, to test statistical mechanical models for the moelcule. It is believed... -
Solution Structure of the OmpF-TolA complex
Gram negative bacteria cause a wide range of diseases including meningitis, bubonic plague, gonorrhoea, diarrhoea, Legionnaires' disease and cholera. Their outer membrane... -
Determining the structure of the colicin OmpF complex
Large multiprotein complexes are the new frontier in structural biology. Individual proteins may be solved by X-ray crystallography but the relationships between subunits and... -
Magnetic ordering in the frustrated honeycomb antiferromagnet Li2IrO3
This proposal is part of our research programme to explore novel ground states in frustrated quantum magnets. Strong spin-orbit coupling is predicted to stabilize composite... -
Magnetic phase diagram of multiferroic GdMn2O5
In the last five years, we have carried out a comprehensive study of the family of REMn2O5 multiferroics by neutron and X-ray magnetic scattering, providing details about the... -
High Longitudinal Field Relaxation in LiYHoF4
We have observed an anomalous monotonically increasing longitudinal field relaxation rate in LiY_(1-x)Ho_xF_4 for applied fields above 1000 G (along the c-axis) and at a... -
Pressure Effects on Proton Migration 3,5-pyridinedicarboxylic Acid
Hydrogen bonds are ubiquitous in materials across the chemical spectrum, from inorganic to biological. They influence the structure, the functionality, and therefore the... -
Structural studies of the cycling and decomposition of Mg(NH3)6(BH4)2
Given its high hydrogen gravimetric density, ammonia may be utilised as a hydrogen carrier, and thus ammonia stores are an area of interest. It is known that Mg(BH4)2 takes up... -
Ammonia adsorption studies of Li(11)BD4 and Mg((11)BD4)2
On exposure to ammonia, LiBD4 and Mg(BD4)2 form the respective ammoniates, Li(11)BD4(ND3)n and Mg((11)BD4)2(ND3)6. We have identified the decomposition temperatures, kinetics... -
Charge disproportionation and structural modulation in multiferroic CaMn7O12
Multiferroic materials in which strongly coupled magnetic and ferroelectric order parameters coexist attract considerable interest. Below 90 K, CaMn7O12 possesses the largest... -
Long-range magnetism in spin, charge, and orbital ordered Pb3Mn7O15
Manganese oxides have attracted great interest in solid-state physics research owing to the diverse range of electronic ordering phenomena. Pb3Mn7O15 is a relatively... -
Nuclear Structures of Lithium Substituted Layered Transition Metal Oxide Cath...
Novel cathode materials for rechargeable batteries have been under intense investigation since high cost and toxicity of current Li-ion batteries. We propose to study the... -
Structural Studies of Li(ND3)n11BD4
On exposure to ammonia, Li(11)BD4 forms the ammoniate Li(11)BD4(ND3)n. Our recent experiment (RB820252) has shown that there are four distinct crystalline phases in the...