Die iur.reform-Studie
Unter dem Kampagnennamen iur.reform hat das Bündnis zur Reform der juristischen Ausbildung e.V. die größte Studie zur Reform der juristischen Ausbildung in der... -
Proton transfer in croconic acid
Croconic acid has recently emerged as the first example of an above room-temperature organic single component ferroelectric. Our goal is to determine its crystal structure at... -
Diffuse scattering studies of squaric acid in an applied electric field
Organic ferroelectric compounds such as KH2PO4 and squaric acid, have attracted much interest in the past due to their potential in applications [1]. This interest has been... -
Proton dynamics in novel organic ferroelectric materials
The vast majority of known ferroelectrics are inorganic compounds such as barium titanate and potassium dihydrogen phosphate. Contrary to naïve expectation, ferroelectricity in...