Översättningsminnen Konkurrensverket
Translation memories extracted by Tilde (www.tilde.com) from the data i Texts from the Swedish Competition Agency Översättningsminnen utvunna av Tilde (www.tilde.com) ur datan i... -
Översättningsminnen Brottsoffermyndigheten
Translation memories extracted out of Texts from Swedish Crime Victim Compensation and Support Agency, by Tilde within the framework of ELRC (www.lr-coordination.eu).... -
Texter från Konsumentverket
Parallel texts downloaded from the website, hallåkonsument.se, run by of the Swedish Consumer Agency. The texts have been downloaded using the command 'w3m -dump' from an... -
Texter från Domstolsverket/Rättshjälpsmyndigheten
Parallel texts downloaded from the websites of the Swedish Courts. What was downloaded were pdf files. The txt files that are available are the result of running the pdf files... -
Parallella texter från Brottsoffermyndigheten
Parallel texts downloaded from the website of the Swedish Crime Victim Compensation and Support Agency. Parallel texts downloaded from ageny's website. What was actually... -
Parallella texter från Konkurrensverket
Texts collected from the Swedish Competition Authority's website around March 2018. The texts are yearly reviews and other public information from this authority. Parallel... -
Svensk-finsk ordlista: vårdnadsutredning
Swedish - Finnish glossary with custody enquiry words. Published in Kieliviesti 4/2007. Contains approximately 150 entries. 2007. Svensk-sverigefinsk ordlista med... -
Kränkning och upprättelse. En rättssociologisk studie av kränkningsersättning...
This study is a replication of an original study that was published about 10 years ago in 2012 in the doctoral dissertation "Violation and Satisfaction: A Sociology of Law Study... -
Lokala problem, brott och trygghet i Gävleborgs län
This study is a collaboration between Stockholm University and Gävleborg Police District. The overreaching aim of the study is to improve the ability to plan and execute crime... -
Översättningsminnen Konkurrensverket
Translation memories extracted by Tilde (www.tilde.com) from the data i Texts from the Swedish Competition Agency Översättningsminnen utvunna av Tilde (www.tilde.com) ur datan i... -
Översättningsminnen Brottsoffermyndigheten
Translation memories extracted out of Texts from Swedish Crime Victim Compensation and Support Agency, by Tilde within the framework of ELRC (www.lr-coordination.eu).... -
Texter från Konsumentverket
Parallel texts downloaded from the website, hallåkonsument.se, run by of the Swedish Consumer Agency. The texts have been downloaded using the command 'w3m -dump' from an... -
Texter från Domstolsverket/Rättshjälpsmyndigheten
Parallel texts downloaded from the websites of the Swedish Courts. What was downloaded were pdf files. The txt files that are available are the result of running the pdf files... -
Parallella texter från Brottsoffermyndigheten
Parallel texts downloaded from the website of the Swedish Crime Victim Compensation and Support Agency. Parallel texts downloaded from ageny's website. What was actually... -
Parallella texter från Konkurrensverket
Texts collected from the Swedish Competition Authority's website around March 2018. The texts are yearly reviews and other public information from this authority. Parallel... -
Svensk-finsk ordlista: vårdnadsutredning
Swedish - Finnish glossary with custody enquiry words. Published in Kieliviesti 4/2007. Contains approximately 150 entries. 2007. Svensk-sverigefinsk ordlista med... -
Kränkning och upprättelse. En rättssociologisk studie av kränkningsersättning...
The thesis takes its starting point in the question of how damages for violation of crime is determined. This type of non-pecuniary damages to crime victims has a fundamental... -
Kränkning och upprättelse. En rättssociologisk studie av kränkningsersättning...
The thesis takes its starting point in the question of how damages for violation of crime is determined. This type of non-pecuniary damages to crime victims has a fundamental... -
Kränkning och upprättelse. En rättssociologisk studie av kränkningsersättning...
The thesis takes its starting point in the question of how damages for violation of crime is determined. This type of non-pecuniary damages to crime victims has a fundamental... -
Kränkning och upprättelse. En rättssociologisk studie av kränkningsersättning...
This study is a replication of an original study that was published about 10 years ago in 2012 in the doctoral dissertation "Violation and Satisfaction: A Sociology of Law Study...