ALLBUS/GGSS 1980-2018 (Kumulierte Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwi...
ALLBUS (GGSS - the German General Social Survey) is a biennial trend survey based on random samples of the German population. Established in 1980, its mission is to monitor... -
German General Social Survey (ALLBUScompact) - Cumulation 1980-2018
The original surveys have been designed to monitor trends in attitudes, behavior, and societal change in the Federal Republic of Germany. The main topics of this cumulative... -
German General Social Survey (ALLBUS) - Cumulation 1980-2018
ALLBUS (GGSS - the German General Social Survey) is a biennial trend survey based on random samples of the German population. Established in 1980, its mission is to monitor... -
ALLBUScompact/GGSScompact 1980-2018 (Kumulierte Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrag...
The original surveys have been designed to monitor trends in attitudes, behavior, and societal change in the Federal Republic of Germany. The main topics of this cumulative... -
Eurobarometer 76.1 (2011)
Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries.... -
Eurobarometer 75.4 (2011)
Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries.... -
Eurobarometer 77.2 (2012)
Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries.... -
Eurobarometer 79.2 (2013)
Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries.... -
Eurobarometer 79.1 (2013)
Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries.... -
Long-term Online Tracking, T25 (GLES)
Politische Fragen (Issues). Politische Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen. Meinungsbildung im Wahlkampf. Themen: Politisches Interesse; Demokratiezufriedenheit;... -
Flash Eurobarometer 351 (The Cooperation and Verification Mechanism for Bulga...
Attitude towards the EU Cooperation and Verification Mechanism for Bulgaria and Romania. Topics: importance of the following problems in the own country: shortcomings in the... -
Eurobarometer 79.4 (2013)
Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries.... -
Flash Eurobarometer 374 (Businesses’ Attitudes towards Corruption in the EU)
Attitudes of businesses towards corruption in the EU. Topics: assessment of the following issues as a serious problem for the company’s activities in the own country:... -
Flash Eurobarometer 383 (Firearms in the European Union)
Firearms in the European Union. Topics: assessment of the level of crime using firearms in the own country and expected development over the next five years; preference of... -
Eurobarometer 82.2 (2014)
Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries.... -
Eurobarometer 83.2 (2015)
Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries.... -
Questions on use of drugs (ZUMABUS 6, 1982)
Questions on use of drugs: judgement on socially deviant behavior and appropriate punishment for this; attitude to observing laws; most important reasons for the use of drugs;... -
Youth and Right-Wing Extremism 1990
Attitudes to foreigners and extreme political organizations as well as opinions on the social turning point in the GDR. Topics: Condition before and after the turning point;... -
Consciousness of Young People of Government and Law 1988
Knowledge of and interest in law of young people under consideration of law education up to now. Supplemental form on structuring of vacation. Topics: Interest in questions of... -
Partners I - Young Workers 1973
Analysis of partner relations and related attitudes of young people - above all on family and social policy after the VIII. Party Convention of the SED. Topics: Opinion on the...