Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Younger Cohort) 1979 - 1985, 6th Wave 1...
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social conduct as well as occupational training and work habits of young people and young adults depending social... -
Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Younger Cohort) 1979 - 1985, 5th Wave 1...
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social conduct as well as of occupational training and work habits of young people and young adults depending on social... -
Young People and Media 1992
Investigation on leisure time and media behavior of young people after the turning point. Topics: Leisure conditions; media use; attitude to media; media availablity; leisure... -
Interval study Twins 1st wave 1979-1982
Bedeutung und Wirkungen genetischer, personaler und sozialer Bedingungen für die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und bei der familialen Sozialisation des Kindes, für die psychischen... -
Postdigital Cultural Youth Worlds
This study is the quantitative part of the joint project ´Postdigital Cultural Youth Worlds´. Topics: Definition of culture; assessment of the artistic demand of leisure... -
Cities/Money/Cultural Education. Horizon 2016
The organization, financing and management of cultural education services and institutions in Germany is extraordinarily heterogeneous. Responsibilities for public funding are... -
Youth/YouTube/Cultural Education. Horizon 2019
The increasing popularity and use of digital platforms and social media such as WhatsApp, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram are opening up new opportunities for children, young... -
Libraries/Digitisation/Cultural Education. Horizon 2018
The introduction and increased use of digital media are bringing about transformation processes in all areas of society. The increasing possibilities for communication and... -
Parents/Children/Cultural Education. Horizon 2017
This study complements a survey of schoolchildren conducted in 2015 on behalf of the Council for Cultural Education, in which the central role of parents in the development and... -
EU Neighbourhood Barometer Wave 6 - Autumn 2014
Attitudes towards the European Union. Cooperation between the EU and the own country. Trust in institutions. Global crisis. Culture. Topics: 1. Attitudes towards the European... -
Culture Needs 1990
Reception habits in the entertaining arts, organization of leisure time and expectations of structuring of the art market in the East of Germany. Topics: Hopes and fears;... -
Way of Life in the Lausitz 1987
Sorbian interests and customs in the Lausitz, the German-Sorbian relationship. Topics: Participation in village or home celebrations; expected program offering at these... -
Foreigners in Eastern Germany 1990
Living conditions of foreign citizens, migration behavior, assessment of relations between Germans and foreigners. Topics: Year of arrival; reasons for moving to Eastern... -
Development and Satisfaction of Cultural Needs of the Populace of Jena 1986
Typology of culture habits as well as objective and subjective determination factors of cultural habits. Topics: Time between end of work and store closing, children's going to... -
Youth Listening to Music May 1983
Beziehung zur Musik, Musikkonsum und Musiksendungen. Themen: Täglicher Musikkonsum; Vorlieben für bestimmte Musikarten und -stile; persönliche Beziehung zur Musik; Erwartungen... -
Auditory Participation and Form of Company February 1984 Supplement: Wave Oly...
Hörbeteiligung, Senderwahl und Gesellungsform. Themen: Radiohören am Vortag; Sender und Zeitangabe, Gesellungsform; Informiertheit über Olympia; Informationsquellen;... -
Listening to Music: People Aged 25-45 Years September 1985
Musikhören, Musikstile und Rolle der Musik im Leben. Themen: Durchschnittliches tägliches Musikhören; Musikgenres; Rock vs. Pop; Musikstile; Beziehung zur Musik; Nutzung... -
Flash Eurobarometer 411 (Cross-border Access to Online Content)
Access to and use of online content. Experiences with cross-border access to online content. Topics: frequency of internet use; devices used to access the internet; frequency in... -
International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS), Germany
The International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS) measured proficiency on three scales: prose literacy, document literacy, and quantitative literacy. In addition, also background... -
Flash Eurobarometer 455 (European Youth)
Political attitudes and volunteering of European Youth. Topics: participation in activities of sports, leisure, cultural, political, local, environmental, human rights or global...