Surrey Communication and Language in Education Study: Intensive Data T2-T5, 2...
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Surrey Communication and Language in Education Study (SCALES) is the first UK population study of... -
Kids' Life and Times Survey, 2022
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Kids' Life and Times Survey (KLT) began in 2008 and is conducted by Access Research Knowledge (ARK)... -
Intonation and Diachrony: A Phonetic Investigation of the Effects of Language...
This file contains instructions for the steps we followed for the curve fitting analysis of intonation in the Greek in Contact project. The instructions below assume that a... -
Outsiders : Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and the New Europe, 1999-2001
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. This is a mixed methods study. Europe's boundaries are changing; three of the former communist states... -
Linguistic development in L2 Spanish: Creation and analysis of a learner corpus
This project had two aims: to establish a small scale, high quality database of spoken learner Spanish, and to undertake a short programme of substantive research into L2... -
The Relation Between Parenting, Children's Social Understanding and Language
This research will extend our earlier ESRC longitudinal study examining relations between parenting and 3-to-5 year-olds' social understanding (SU) and language (R00023701).... -
The nature of phonological deficits in children with speech and literacy diff...
There is a large body of evidence showing that a child's speech processing skills are vitally important for language and literacy development. Difficulties in speech processing... -
Towards dialogue: A linguistic ethnographic study of classroom interaction an...
Dialogue has been shown to be an effective means for the development of pupil learning, critical thinking and reading comprehension. But although recent policies have promoted... -
British sign language corpus
The British Sign Language (BSL) Corpus is a collection of video clips showing Deaf people using BSL, together with background information about the signers and some written... -
Transforming experiences: Re-conceptualising identities and 'non-normative' c...
The research aims to contribute to current research and theoretical understandings of how family lives and childhood experiences help to constitute adult lives and to illuminate... -
Language, Performance, and Region: Discourse and Sociocultural Identity in th...
The project collected data from performers across the Black Country – poets, singers and stand-up comedians, as well as from local archives. It examined the notion that within a... -
Endangered complexity: inflectional classes in Oto-Manguean languages
This data set consists of twenty Excel spreadsheets (.xlsx format) — one for each language represented in the Oto-Manguean Inflectional Class Database. Each spreadsheet provides... -
Life journeys: The role of interior dialogue and expression in negotiating te...
Data, including video and audio recordings, including of (i) people’s everyday lives and activities, and (ii) performative fieldwork techniques, that was generated through a... -
DCAL Research Data Archive 2006-2016
DCAL is the largest deafness and sign language research centre in Europe, bringing together leading Deaf and hearing researchers in the fields of sign linguistics, psychology,... -
Examining the emotional impact of verbal irony 2014-2016
In this project, a variety of methods (rating studies, measurement of psychophysiological responses, eye movements during reading, and measures of electrical brain activity)... -
Multicultural London English: Interview data
This collection consists of transcripts of paired interviews of 127 speakers aged 4–40, 5 age groups; working-class Londoners from Hackney, Haringey and Islington of different... -
The role of learning mechanisms in understanding spoken language
This collection consists of data from psycholinguisic experiments. This research explores the contribution of learning mechanisms to meaning selection in healthy adults. For... -
Influence of early experience of speech and language on their processing and ...
The aim of this project was to determine the impact of early speech and language experience on language processing and neural representation. In this project, I have studied... -
International Centre for Language and Communicative Development: Input and In...
Many Western industrialized nations have high levels of ethnic diversity but to date there are very few studies which investigate prelinguistic and early language development in... -
International Centre for Language and Communicative Development: Learned Labe...
Eyetracking data collected from 10-month-old infants, stimuli and analysis scripts. In this study 10-month-old infants were trained over the course of a week with two 3D...