Soil moisture and soil water potential measurements of the Intercantonal Fore...
Since 2001 soil water content and soil water potential are measured in 40 plots of the Intercantonal Forest Observation Program. Soil water content and soil water potential is... -
Soil solution monitoring of the Intercantonal Forest Observation Program
Since 1997 soil solution samplers are installed in certain plots of the Intercantonal Forest Observation Program Intercantonal Forest Observation Program. There solution is... -
Ozone measurement and analysis in the Intercantonal Forest Observation Program
In order to quantify effects of ozone on Swiss forest ozone flux calculations are needed. Currently 5 stations are operated to measure the ozone load on forests. These data form... -
Forest monitoring to assess forest functioning under air pollution and climat...
Forest monitoring to assess forest functioning under air pollution and climate change. Proceedings. FORECOMON 2021 - the 9th forest ecosystem monitoring conference. 7-9 June... -
Stem discs LWF
Measurement of tree ring widts in tree stem disks according to 'Bräker O.U. (1993) Anleitung zur Entnahme von Stammscheiben auf Ertragskundeflächen' Purpose: tree growth -
Deadwood sampling at Sanasilva and LWF sites
Sampling of deadwood for density and chemical analysis during summer 2009 Purpose: Determination of N and C pools of deadwood Paper Citation: WEGGLER, K.; DOBBERTIN, M.;... -
Dendrochronological analyses of tree core samples (subplot) LWF
Two stem core samples of all trees of a subplot of approximately 1 a. Basal Area, Wood volume increment per area estimation Purpose: Investigation of the relation between... -
Dendrochronological analyses of tree core samples (IsoN) adjacent to LWF sites
Two stem core samples of 10 trees outside the plot of each main species in the plot were taken at breast height (1.3 m above ground) with a SUUNTO corer. Tree ring width and... -
Dendrochronological analyses of tree core samples (CATS) adjacent to LWF sites
There were 2 cores taken at 1.3 m height from each of 10 trees outside the LWF plot Purpose: influence of drought and nutrient availabiliy on tree growth Paper Citation:... -
Dendrochronological analyses of tree core samples (dominant trees) LWF
Two stem core samples of 12 to 20 trees outside the plot of each main species in the plot were taken at breast height (1.3 m above ground) with a SUUNTO corer. Tree ring width... -
Automated point dendrometer measurements at LWF sites
Continuous stem radius measurements to investigate carbon balance and water relations of trees Purpose: Assessment of growth and water related stem changes -
Manual circumference band measurement LWF
Tree circumference change measurements from plastic girth bands Purpose: Assessment of annual tree stem growth Manual Citation: Dobbertin M, Neumann M, 2016: Part V:... -
Sapflow measurements LWF
Continuous sap flow measurements with Granier-needles to investigate carbon balance and water relations of trees Purpose: Assessment of water cycle processes -
Deadwood survey Sanasilva 2013
Assessment of coarse woody debris on Sanasilva plots (16x16 km grid) using the full count methods on subplots applying BioSoil protocoll Purpose: Assessing the amount of coarse... -
Deadwood survey LWF 2013 - line intersect
Assessment of coarse woody debris on LWF plots using the line intersect method (repetition of the 1995 survey) Purpose: Assessing the amount of coarse woody debris Manual... -
Deadwood survey LWF 2013 - subplot
Assessment of coarse woody debris on LWF plots using the line intersect method and full count methods on subplots (repetition of the 2005 survey) Purpose: Assessing the amount... -
Deadwood survey LWF 2005 - subplot (Forets Biota)
Assessment of coarse woody debris on LWF plots using full count methods on defined subplots (applying ForestBiota protocoll) Purpose: Assessing the amount of coarse woody debris... -
Deadwood survey LWF 1995 - line intersect
Assessment of coarse woody debris on LWF plots using the line intersect method Purpose: Assessing the amount of coarse woody debris Manual Citation: Matthias Dobbertin,... -
Crown Condition Assessment and Damage Cause Assessment LWF
Assessment of damges, i.e. symptoms, extent and causes on trees. Purpose: Occurrence and extent of diseases Manual Citation: Matthias Dobbertin, Christian Hug, Andreas... -
Crown Condition Assessment and Damage Cause Assessment Sanasilva
Annual Crown Condition Assessment including mortality and removal and Damage Causse Assessment on the Sanasilva-Sites and LWF plots. Purpose: To assess tree and forest health...