EU Law Labour Market Corpus
The datasets consist of a corpus of legal sources in the EU legal system mentioning the expression “labour market” (1968 – March 2023). Data were collected... -
Occupational pensions and job mobility in Britain: Estimation of a random-eff...
We analyse transitions between pensionable jobs, non-pensionable jobs, and other labour market states, using the 1988/9 UK Retirement Survey. We focus on the positive... -
Serially correlated variables in dynamic, discrete choice models (replication...
This paper discusses the problems that are encountered when dynamic, discrete choice models are specified with continuous, serially correlated state variables. A variety of... -
Unemployment insurance and subsequent job duration: job matching versus unobs...
The relationship between Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefit duration, unemployment duration and subsequent job duration is investigated using a multi-state duration model with... -
Income distribution and income dynamics in the United Kingdom (replication data)
In this paper, we propose a model of income dynamics which takes account of mobility both within and between jobs. The model is a hybrid of the mover-stayer model of income... -
Bayesian inference for the mover-stayer model in continuous time with an appl...
This paper presents Bayesian inference procedures for the continuous time mover-stayer model applied to labour market transition data collected in discrete time. These methods... -
Sectoral adjustment of employment to shifts in outsourcing and trade: evidenc...
This paper analyzes the effects of trade and outsourcing on the transition probabilities of employment between sectors, using a dynamic multinomial logit framework with fixed...