Target sequence capture of 3191 genes in Cetaceans
These correspond to Illumina raw reads derived from a target sequence capture project designed to capture 3,191 genes from cetaceans and outgroups for use in a comparative... -
Observatoire Pelagis - Reseau National Echouage (French stranding network) st...
<p>The French stranding network is co-ordinated by the Joint Service Unit PELAGIS, UAR 3462, University of La Rochelle-CNRS, dedicated to monitoring marine mammal and... -
Phylogenomics of the sub-family Delphininae, with emphasis on genus Tursiops ...
This study used ddRAD sequencing, to determine phylogenetic relationships within the sub-family Delphininae. Particular emphasis is given to the genus Tursiops (Bottlenose...