Monthly landings of factory ships in international waters, Chile, 2002
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Monthly landings of factory ships, Chile, 2002
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Monthly industrial fishery landings in international waters, Chile, 2002
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Monthly industrial fishery landings, Chile, 2002
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Monthly landings of marine products, Lebu, Chile, 2002
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Monthly landings of marine products, Guaitecas, Chile, 2002
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Monthly landings of marine products, Corral, Chile, 2002
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Monthly landings of marine products, Valdivia, Chile, 2002
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Monthly landings of marine products, Tongoy, Chile, 2002
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Monthly landings of marine products, Tome, Chile, 2002
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Monthly landings of marine products, Talcahuano, Chile, 2002
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Monthly landings of marine products, San Antonio, Chile, 2002
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Monthly landings of marine products, Quellon, Chile, 2002
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Monthly landings of marine products, Huasco, Chile, 2002
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Monthly landings of marine products, Coquimbo, Chile, 2002
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Monthly landings of marine products, Caldera, Chile, 2002
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Monthly landings of marine products, Ancud, Chile, 2002
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Monthly landings of marine products, Arica, Chile, 2002
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Monthly landings of marine artisanal products, Chile, 2002
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Yearly landings of marine products in several regions, Chile, 2002
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