The 11,800-year pollen-based vegetation (biome) reconstruction obtained from ...
The 885-cm-long sediment core RZ19 (62°27′53′′N, 34°26′4′′E) was retrieved in 2019 from Razlomnoe Peat (northern shore of Lake Onega), radiocarbon-dated and analysed for pollen... -
The 11,800-year pollen record obtained from Razlomnoe Peat in the Lake Onega ...
The 885-cm-long sediment core RZ19 (62°27′53′′N, 34°26′4′′E) was retrieved in 2019 from Razlomnoe Peat (northern shore of Lake Onega), radiocarbon-dated and analysed for pollen... -
A radiocarbon-dated pollen record and pollen-based vegetation (biome) reconst...
A 135-cm-long sediment core from Lake Kamenistoe was recovered in 2018 from a coring platform positioned in the deepest (ca. 4 m) part of the lake (67°30'31.4'' N; 34°38'53.3''... -
Palynomorph and pollen-based climate data for the Lateglacial and Holocene of...
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Age model of lateglacial ICDP core 5017-1-A
This dataset provides the results from Bayesian age depth modelling in OxCal for ICDP core 5017-1-A, retrieved from the deep northern Dead Sea basin in 2010/11, for the last... -
High-resolution pollen record of the last 13,500 years derived from AMS radio...
A 260-cm-long section of a sediment core from Lake Ochaul (54°14'N, 106°28'E; 641 m a.s.l.), a freshwater lake in the Cis-Baikal region, ca. 100 km northwest of Lake Baikal, was... -
Microfacies data and age model from the International Continental Scientific ...
These datasets provide sedimentological data partly at annual resolution and an age model for the lateglacial part of (1) the ICDP sediment core 5017-1-A retrieved from the deep... -
A 16,000 year multiproxy record from lake Holzmaar (Germany): diatom and geoc...
Lacustrine environmental archives with annually laminated (varved) sediments permit a calendar-year chronology and allow calculation of precise sediment accumulation rates. We... -
Lithology and varve chronology for sediment profile Masada
This dataset provides microfacies data from the sediment profile at Masada (MAS), located at the southwestern shore of the Dead Sea for the last glacial-interglacial transition... -
Varve thickness of lateglacial ICDP core 5017-1-A-44
This dataset provides annually resolved microfacies data from ICDP core 5017-1-A, retrieved from the deep northern Dead Sea basin in 2010/11, for the last glacial-interglacial... -
Varve thickness of lateglacial ICDP core 5017-1-A
This dataset provides annually resolved microfacies data from ICDP core 5017-1-A, retrieved from the deep northern Dead Sea basin in 2010/11, for the last glacial-interglacial... -
Lithology of lateglacial ICDP core 5017-1-A
This dataset provides lithological data from ICDP core 5017-1-A, retrieved from the deep northern Dead Sea basin in 2010/11, for the last glacial-interglacial transition (ca.... -
X-ray fluorescense (XRF) core scanning data of sediment core HZM19
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Relative abundance of diatoms from sediment core HZM19
An aliquot of each freeze-dried sample was processed with standard procedures (Battarbee, 1986; Battarbee et al., 2001). Only species with >=5% relative abundance in at least... -
Chemical parameters of sediment core HZM19
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Magnetic susceptibility of sediment core HZM19
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