Plant wax composition and compound-specific δD data from a loess section in D...
The data set contains plant wax biomarker and CaCO3 concentration data from the Darai Kalon loess section in Southern Tajikistan over the time-period of the last 250 thousand... -
GDGT fractional abundances and indices, n-Alkane concentrations, and isotopic...
GDGT and n-alkane isotopic compositions in suspended sediments samples of the...
A 1.46-million-year record of atmospheric CO2 from sedimentary leaf wax
A great deal of effort is now focused on reconstructing atmospheric CO2 during periods of lower polar ice volume to better constrain carbon cycling under conditions similar to... -
GDGT and n-alkane isotopic compositions in suspended sediments samples of the...
Lipid biomarkers have been extensively used to reconstruct paleoenvironmental conditions. However, the entrainment of local compounds from source to sink may complicate... -
Pollen record of ODP Hole 122-763A
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Plant wax and carbon isotope response of Juniperus monosperma to heat and dro...
Plant waxes, such as n-alkanes, are used for a wide range of geologic applications including paleoclimate and paleovegetation reconstruction. Several common traits of n-alkanes... -
Radiocarbon ages of sediment core IDLE-MAT10-2B from Lake Matano in Sulawesi,...
We produced an age model based on radiocarbon dates measured in the 8-m composite Lake Matano sediment core that spans the last deglaciation. There are 11 radiocarbon ages in... -
Radiocarbon ages of sediment core IDLE-TOW10-9B rom Lake Towuti in Sulawesi, ...
We produced an age model based on radiocarbon dates measured in the 8-m composite Lake Towuti sediment core that spans the last deglaciation. There are 23 radiocarbon ages in... -
Alkane determination of sediment core IDLE-TOW10-9B rom Lake Towuti in Sulawe...
We produced leaf wax hydrogen and carbon records from the Lake Towuti, spanning the last deglaciation. We measure hydrogen isotopes in 55 samples in the past 30 ka, and measured... -
Alkane determination of sediment core IDLE-MAT10-2B from Lake Matano in Sulaw...
We produced leaf wax hydrogen and carbon records from the Lake Matano, spanning the last deglaciation. We measure hydrogen isotopes in 31 samples in the past 32 ka, and measured... -
Alkane content of ODP Hole 122-763A
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Plant wax n-alkane and n-alkanoic acid abundances, carbon and hydrogen isotop...
Soil profiles were collected along a transect across the Serengeti ecosystem, in Tanzania from 2-3S and 34-35.5E, 1153 to 1677 m above sea level and 0 to 1.6 m soil depth. The... -
ODP 763A pollen and leaf wax n-alkane compound distributions and isotopes
The data are measurements of leaf wax n-alkane compound abundance and associated metrics of compound distribution, leaf wax n-alkane compound specific carbon isotope... -
Plant wax n-alkane and n-alkanoic acid abundances in eleven soil profiles alo...
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Carbon isotopes of plant wax n-alkane and n-alkanoic acid in eleven soil prof...
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Hydrogen isotopes of plant wax n-alkane and n-alkanoic acid in eleven soil pr...
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Stable carbon isotope record of n-alkane of ODP Hole 122-763A
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Compound-specific hydrogen and carbon isotopes in sedimentary leaf wax n-alka...
Northern Africa's past hydroclimate is characterized by a prolonged humid period known as the African Humid Period (AHP), giving origin to the "Green Sahara" and supporting... -
Stable hydrogen isotope record of C30-Alkanoic acid from sediment core MD98-2...
The stable hydrogen isotopes of C30-Alkanoic acids were measured from marine sediment core MD98-2152, collected off the southern coast of Sumatra, likely reflecting rainfall...