(Table 2) Results of U-Th disequilibrium studies
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(Table 4) Re-Os isotope ratios of sulphides from ODP Hole 209-1274A
Sample: 209-1274A-2R-1,31-37. Standards and corrections for 18O/16O and 17O/16O as in Table 3 (data set: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.707801). Re and Os blanks are 0.400 pg and 0.049 pg... -
(Table 3) Re-Os isotope ratios of abyssal peridotites from ODP Hole 209-1274A
TMA=1/lambda ln (((187Os/188Os)sample-(187Os/188Os)chond) / ((187Re/188Os)sample-(187Re/188Os)chond]+1). TRD=(minimum) time of rhenium depletion calculated using a mean... -
(Table 3) Trace element compositions of carbonate veins
DEPTH, sediment = Depth (mbsf) -
(Table 1) Isotopic compositions and radiocarbon ages of carbonate veins
DEPTH, sediment [m] = Depth (mbsf) -
(Table 4) Light element contents of minerals of ODP Holes 207-1272A and 207-1...
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. 1 sigma showed as example of measurement errors. -
(Appendix 5) Trace element composition of serpentine, brucite pseudomorphs, a...
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(Appendix 5) Major, minor and trace element composition of vein and replacive...
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(Appendix 4) Average trace element concentrations in relict olivine, orthopyr...
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(Appendix 3) Bulk rock major and trace element composition of selected DSDP/O...
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(Table AT4) Dissolved Lithium through time in microbial dissolution experimen...
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(Table A2) Representative analyses of chlorite from amphibole-chlorite veins ...
Cation calculation based on 28 oxygens. -
(Table A1) Representative analyses of amphibole from amphibole-chlorite veins...
Cation calculation based on 23 oxygens. -
(Table 2) Whole-rock geochemical and oxygen isotope analyses of chlorite-amph...
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(Table 3) Lithium concentrations in magmatic ocean-crust zircons from the Mid...
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(Table 3) Whole-rock geochemical data of serpentinites from ODP Site 209-1270
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(Table 2) Selected electron microprobe and LA-ICP-MS analyses of spinel, oliv...
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(Table 7) Trace element contents and Sr and Nd isotopic characteristics of ro...
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(Table 1, Appendix A2) Bulk rock composition of ODP Hole 209-1274A peridotites
The mode of peridotites was calculated by a mass-balance equation relating bulk rock and mineral compositions in the CFMAS system -
(Table 1, Appendix A2) Bulk rock composition of ODP Hole 209-1272A peridotites
The primary modal composition of peridotites was estimated from hand sample and thin section observations