Arthropod abundances in Palatinate vineyards under different pesticide treatm...
The study was done in the Palatinate region, Germany. Arthropod assemblages were sampled in 32 vineyards of organic and conventional wineries planted with resistant and... -
Butterfly weight data from lower mountain range regions in southwest Germany
The dataset contains mean masses of butterfly species and different noctuid moth size classes collected between end of May and beginning of September 2020 using different... -
Butterfly abundance data from lower mountain range regions in southwest Germany
The dataset contains abundance data of butterfly species and noctuid moths in five different Malaise trap types which were placed as a defined set each on a meadow and a forest... -
Butterflies in the Foping Reserve in the Qin Mountain (China) in 2014-2015
Abundance of butterflies (without Pieris canidia, P. rapae and P. napi group) observed in the UNESCO biosphere reserve Foping National Reserve in the Qinling Mountains in... -
Pollen profile JABLUNKA, Jablunka, Czech Republic
This dataset was archived on 2014-09-12 from the EPD database (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net). -
A conserved role of the duplicated Masculinizer gene in sex determination of ...
Identification and verification of a duplication of the Masculinizer (Masc) gene in the Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella. Supporting alignments containing splice... -
A conserved role of the duplicated Masculinizer gene in sex determination of ...
Identification and verification of a duplication of the Masculinizer (Masc) gene in the Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella. Supporting data containing numerical data... -
Dataset belonging to: Influence of photoperiod on thermal responses in body s...
This dataset contains raw data of adult weight, growth rate, development time, ommatidium measurements and threshold weight of small copper used for analyses and figures in the... -
Alpine soil macro-invertebrate communities from soil and litter samples from ...
Here we present abundance data (i.e. individuals per square metre) of soil macro-invertebrates from Alpine European larch and Swiss pine forests, as well as mixed forests. The... -
Alpine soil macro-invertebrate communities from pitfall traps from European l...
Here we present abundance data (i.e. individuals per sampling day) of surface-living macro-invertebrates from Alpine European larch and Swiss pine forests, as well as mixed... -
Abundance data from soil macro-invertebrates of alpine snowbeds in the Europe...
This dataset represents abundance data from soil macro-invertebrates from three alpine sites across the European Alps, sampled in summer 2017. The sites were: (1) Furka Pass,... -
Tab. 3: Stomach contents of Knots of Hazen Camp
Numeric values represent the mean percentage of the total volume of the major divisions. -
A 30-years collection of soil macro-invertebrate abundance data from the Euro...
Here, we present abundance data from 20 soil macro-invertebrate groups from 22 different natural to artificial habitat types in the European Alps. The dataset contains data... -
Raw abundances of epigaeic arthropods on Mount Kilimanjaro
There are several data sets originating from the same pitfall trap samples. The other data set I just submitted contains mean abundances per plot. This data set now contains raw... -
Artrikedom av växter, dagfjärilar och humlor i linjära infrastrukturmiljöer, ...
This data set comprises the species richness of vascular plants, butterflies and bumblebees in linear infrastructure habitats (road verges and power lines) and the historical... -
Fällfångstdata för mindre vinbärsbrunmal, Euhyponomeutoides albithoracellus, ...
Data on number of male currant bud moths captured in traps baited with candidate compounds of the sex pheromone of the species. Experiments were performed in black currant... -
Dataset of butterfly monitoring in Sierra Nevada (Spain)
This data set comprises information collected in field about the monitoring of the butterfly communities of Sierra Nevada since 2008. The data set has been compiled in up to 20... -
Transcriptomic sequence data for the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pit...
This dataset corresponds to the fasta file comprising the assembled transcriptome for the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa, and the 3 fasta files containing the...