Tintinnid community composition during AMT29 cruise, Atlantic Meridional Tran...
In this data, tintinnid species occurrence (abundance, ind./L) is presented for each sampling point (depth of a specified station with coordinates) during cruise AMT29 with... -
Tintinnid community composition during CHINARE_12 cruise to the Arctic Basin ...
In this data, tintinnid species occurrence (abundance, ind./L) is presented for each sampling point (depth of a specified station with coordinates) during cruise CHINARE_12 with... -
Tintinnid community composition during CHINARE_7 cruise to the Bering Sea and...
In this data, tintinnid species occurrence (abundance, ind./L) is presented for each sampling point (depth of a specified station with coordinates) during cruise CHINARE_7 with... -
Diatom specific growth rates based on cell concentrations and PDMPO staining
While in culture, specific growth rate (μ) can be easily determined through cell counts (N0 and Nt). This is not the case for incubations with natural assemblages, where grazers... -
Diatom cell counts and concentrations during fluorophore PDMPO incubation
To ensure balanced growth and stable conditions, all cultures were acclimated in semi-continuous batch cultures for at least nine generations before starting the experiments.... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and photophysiology, growth, carbon production, ...
In order to allow full comparability with other ocean acidification data sets, the R package seacarb (Gattuso et al, 2021) was used to compute a complete and consistent set of... -
Acidification and iron limitation effects on the photophysiology, growth, car...
Ecophysiological studies looking at the combined effects of ocean acidification (OA) and iron (Fe) availability on Southern Ocean (SO) phytoplankton are still limited. To gain a... -
Phytoplankton species determination and counts determined from the community ...
Two Fe-Mn bottle amendment experiments with two natural phytoplankton communities were performed during Polarstern expedition PS97 in 2016 in the Drake Passage. At two... -
Abundance of the main protist groups in a subset of microscopy samples from l...
The data sets originates from the weekly sampling events (MOSAiC time series) during the MOSAiC campaign. Water samples from the CTD/Rosette were taken and fixed in Hexamin-... -
Nano- and microplankton in the northern Patagonian shelf (SW South Atlantic) ...
The species composition and structure (e.g. abundance and biomass) of protistan plankton (cell size > 5 µm) and in situ chorophyll a were assessed in a shallow (<50 m...