Measured values of Li/Mg, Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca, U/Ca and Sr-U for coral and co...
A comprehensive georeferenced database of measured values of Li/Mg, Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca, U/Ca and Sr-U in coral and coralline algae compiled from the scientific literature... -
Coral Li/Mg records of deep sea temperature during the last deglaciation
Fossil scleractinian corals were collected from the Galápagos platform in the East Equatorial Pacific (0°N, 90°E) on cruises MV1007 and NA064 from water depths between 419 and... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and pH of the extracellular calcifying fluid and...
Ocean acidification (OA) threatens the growth and function of coral reef ecosystems. A key component to coral health is the microbiome, but little is known about the impact of... -
Boron isotope, trace elements and pH data (1990-2013) of the Porites lutea co...
Atmospheric CO2 rise in post-industrial era has resulted in decline in surface ocean pH, commonly known as “ocean acidification (OA)”, which has become a threat to marine... -
Boron isotopes, trace elements and pH calculation for Norwegian deep sea cora...
d11B and trace results obtained for a deep sea coral specimen Madrepora oculata collected from the Norwegian Sea (67°N, 9°E, 340 m) during the RV Polarstern ARK/II/Ia cruise... -
Stable isotope and trace element data for a Siderastrea siderea coral core CI...
Massive corals act as a climate archive for the tropical oceans. They can provide valuable information in regions that have no or limited observations such as the southern Gulf... -
(Table 1) Measured B, Li, Sr and Mg concentrations and isotope ratios for aci...
SW, seawater.a: Previously reported by: Tivey et al. (2006), Craddock et al. (2010), Reeves et al. (2011) and Seewald et al. (2015) for fluids collected in 2006.b: Previously... -
Trace element ratios of mid-shore Porites coral from West Reef (2007-2015)
Preliminary ages were assigned to sample datasets by assigning seasonal trace element ratios minima and maxima in datasets to warmest and coolest months in satellite SST records... -
Trace element ratios of nearshore Porites coral from Ward Island (1995-2001)
Preliminary ages were assigned to sample datasets by assigning seasonal trace element ratios minima and maxima in datasets to warmest and coolest months in satellite SST records... -
Trace element ratios of nearshore Porites coral from Ward Island (1993-2015)
Preliminary ages were assigned to sample datasets by assigning seasonal trace element ratios minima and maxima in datasets to warmest and coolest months in satellite SST records... -
Trace element ratios of offshore Porites coral from Tantabiddi Reef (2004-2013)
Preliminary ages were assigned to sample datasets by assigning seasonal trace element ratios minima and maxima in datasets to warmest and coolest months in satellite SST records... -
Trace element ratios of offshore Porites coral from Montebello Islands (2003-...
Preliminary ages were assigned to sample datasets by assigning seasonal trace element ratios minima and maxima in datasets to warmest and coolest months in satellite SST records... -
Trace element ratios of nearshore Porites coral from Herald Island (1996-2015)
Preliminary ages were assigned to sample datasets by assigning seasonal trace element ratios minima and maxima in datasets to warmest and coolest months in satellite SST records... -
Trace element ratios of nearshore Porites coral from Bundegi Reef (2005-2013)
Preliminary ages were assigned to sample datasets by assigning seasonal trace element ratios minima and maxima in datasets to warmest and coolest months in satellite SST records... -
Trace element ratios of mid-shore Porites coral from Airlie Island (1996-2015)
Preliminary ages were assigned to sample datasets by assigning seasonal trace element ratios minima and maxima in datasets to warmest and coolest months in satellite SST records... -
Near monthly records (1991-2013) of trace element ratios of Porites lutea fro...
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Near monthly records (1991-2013) of trace element ratios of Porites australie...
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(Table S1) Original element/Ca data for the OGA and Tahiti corals
[1] Previous studies have demonstrated the potential for the Li content of coral aragonite to record information about environmental conditions, but no detailed study of... -
Li/Mg (Li/Mg-T°C calibration curve) and B-isotopes for modern deep-sea corals...
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Li/Mg and Sr/Ca ratio and sea surface temperature reconstruction of core Tar...
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