Water column data on dissolved inorganic carbon, total alkalinity, nutrients ...
As part of the BMBF funded project TRAFFIC (Trophic Transfer Efficiency in the Benguela Current), water column samples were collected from the CTD/Rosette sampler during RV... -
Underway data on pCO2, total alkalinity, temperature, salinity, wind speed an...
As part of the BMBF funded project TRAFFIC (Trophic Transfer Efficiency in the Benguela Current) and GENUS (Geochemistry and Ecology of the Namibian Upwelling System), the mole... -
Copepod respiration in the southern Benguela upwelling system during METEOR c...
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Copepod length-dry mass relationships in the southern Benguela upwelling syst...
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Copepod community ingestion in the southern Benguela upwelling system during ...
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Physical oceanography at TRIAXUS station M153_19-3
TRIAXUS is a towed and undulating system which was equipped with a SEABIRD FASTCAT, SBE 49, AANDERAA OXYGEN OPTODE 4330 F, and a SEASCAN SUNADeep Nitrate Sensor. It measured:... -
Physical oceanography at mooring station M153_7-29
The Mini Dot Oxygen Sensor (MDO) was attached to a mooring and recorded seawater temperatures and dissolved oxygen concentrations. -
Particle flux from sediment trap M153_7-1
The sediment trap was attached to the same mooring as the MDO and recorded total particle fluxes, which were averaged to monthly means. -
Physical oceanography at CTD station 7 obtained during METEOR cruise M153
This dataset has no description
Biogeochemical particle flux results of moored sediment trap systems from two...
The particle flux studies were carried out by the Biogeochemistry working group at the Universität Hamburg as part of the GENUS and TRAFFIC research projects. Two long term... -
Biogeochemical particle flux results of drifting sediment trap systems from t...
The particle flux studies were carried out by the Biogeochemistry working group at the Universität Hamburg as part of the GENUS and TRAFFIC research projects. 16 free-drifting... -
Mesopelagic fishes of the Benguela upwelling system, cruise RV Meteor 153, 20...
The Benguela upwelling system is one of the most productive marine ecosystems in the world; however, little is known about the community structure of mesopelagic fishes in its... -
Trichodesmium counts and environmental data at TRIAXUS events M153_19-3 and M...
The TRIAXUS ROTV (Remotely Operated Towed Vehicle, MacArtney) is a towed and undulating system which is equipped with a SEABIRD FASTCAT, SBE 49, AANDERAA OXYGEN OPTODE 4330 F, a... -
Microplankton biomass collected during RV METEOR cruise M153 to the Benguela ...
Biomass of two seize fractions of microplankton was measured of samples taken during cruise M153 in February and March 2019 by a Multinet Midi (55 µm mesh size, 5 depths). The... -
Stable isotopes (δ¹³C and δ¹⁵N) of microplankton collected during RV METEOR c...
Stable isotopes of d13C and d15N of two size fractions of microplankton were analyzed of samples taken during cruise M153 in February and March 2019 by an Apstein Net (20 µm... -
EK60 raw multi-frequency (EK80, 38 and 200 kHz) acoustic data collected durin...
Hydroacoustic raw data from the M153 cruise aboard the RV Meteor in 2019 (15/02/2019 to 27/03/2019) to the Benguela Upwelling System. The hydroacoustics were used to observe the... -
EK60 raw multi-frequency (EK80, 38 and 200 kHz) acoustic data collected durin...
Hydroacoustic raw data from the M153 cruise aboard the RV Meteor in 2019 (15/02/2019 to 27/03/2019) to the Benguela Upwelling System. The hydroacoustics were used to observe the...