ADCP current measurements (38 and 150 kHz) during THALASSA cruise THA-MSM40
Two Teledyne RDI Ocean Surveyor systems with 38 and 150 kHz transmission frequency were used. Data was processed with a software package developed at GEOMAR following the... -
Lowered ADCP data during THALASSA cruise THA-MSM40
Version = GEOMAR LADCP software: Version 11.0: 2018-05-14Processed = 31-May-2018 11:27:54 -
Physical oceanography (CTD) during THALASSA cruise THA-MSM40
Matlab = (R2018a)Release = 3projects = RACE, NACLIM, OSNAP, VITALSnc_uncertainty_p = 2.000000nc_uncertainty_t = 0.002000nc_uncertainty_s =... -
Physical oceanography (TSG) from THALASSA cruise THA-MSM40
Temp Sensor ID 1 = SBE3S Temp eau peak av (deg C)Temp Correction 1 = -0.024394Temp Uncertainty 1 = +/-0.014007Salt Sensor ID 1 = SBE21 Salinite (PSU)Salt Correction 1 =...