Archaeobotanical analysis of seeds and fruits from Cova del Toll, Moià (Barce...
Materials retrieved in the 1978-1979 campaigns at the site of Cova del Toll were given to Prof. Maria Hopf for analysis. Since no full quantification was provided and no report... -
Archaeobotanical analyses (seed/fruit remains) at Pou Nou-2, Sant Pere Molant...
Several sediment samples from one pit (underneath a burial layer) dated around 4200-4000 BC and excavated in 1993 have been analysed. Vicente López carried out the on-site... -
Archaeobotanical investigations at Upleward 2, Ldkr. Aurich, Germany - counts
During a rescue excavation in 2003 at the Wurt Upleward, NW-Germany, two houses of early Medieval age were detected. From one of the profile with several cultural layers samples... -
Archaeobotanical analyses at Oldenburg 108, Burgstrasse, Lower Saxony, German...
From two profiles of an archaeological trench in the centre of the city Oldenburg 108, Burgstr. , Lower Saxony, two largely overlapping cores, 50 (length) x 10 (width) x 5... -
Archaeobotanical analyses of kitchen waste of Jever Castle, 17th/18th century...
During restoration works in the castle of Jever, Lower Saxony, a hidden niche in the former kitchen wall was found filled-up with wate material: botanical remains, bones,...