Degmanetization steps of sediment core G7 at 34.7 cm from glacial Lake Ojibwa...
a=354.0, b=.0, s=354.0, d=.0, V= 0.2E-05, strati=.0, Slat=.0, Slon= .0, Strati pos.=.0, Lab. field=.0, PlungeY=.0 -
Degmanetization steps of sediment core G7 at 34.7 cm from glacial Lake Ojibwa...
a=354.0, b=.0, s=354.0, d=.0, V= 0.2E-05, strati=.0, Slat=.0, Slon= .0, Strati pos.=.0, Lab. field=.0, PlungeY=.0 -
Degmanetization steps of sediment core G7 at 33.0 cm from glacial Lake Ojibwa...
a=354.0, b=.0, s=354.0, d=.0, V= 0.2E-05, strati=.0, Slat=.0, Slon= .0, Strati pos.=.0, Lab. field=.0, PlungeY=.0 -
Degmanetization steps of sediment core G7 at 31.6 cm from glacial Lake Ojibwa...
a=354.0, b=.0, s=354.0, d=.0, V= 0.2E-05, strati=.0, Slat=.0, Slon= .0, Strati pos.=.0, Lab. field=.0, PlungeY=.0 -
AMS data and videodocumentation of shear zone analogue modelling in plaster o...
The analogue modelling of magnetic fabric in shear-zones was used to explore the time and space relationships between the finite strain and the anisotropy of magnetic... -
AMS data and EBSD maps of small scale marble shear zone - Estremoz, Portugal
We studied two structural profiles across subvertical thin shear zone in marble from quarry in Estremoz (Portugal) to clarify a relationship between AMS and strain in natural... -
AMS and EBSD maps of rock salt - lamprophyre dyke contact zone, Loule diapir,...
A rock salt-lamprophyre dyke contact zone (sub-vertical, NE-SW strike) was investigated for its petrographic, mechanic and physical properties by means of anisotropy of magnetic...