Average dominant biome scores, diversity indices, and amount of annual precip...
NN – non-lacustrine part of record until hiatus. -
Average dominant biome scores, diversity indices, and amount of annual precip...
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Reconstruction of the amount of annual precipitation (PANN; mm/year) for the ...
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Reconstruction of the amount of annual precipitation (PANN; mm/year) for the ...
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Pollen, spores and non-pollen palynomorphs dataset for the Lake Maloye Yarovo...
TRSH - Trees and shrubsUPHE - Upland herbsAQVP - Aquatic pollenVACR - Vascular CryptogamsAQBR- Aquatic Bryophytes -
Pollen, spores and non-pollen palynomorphs dataset for the Lake Kuchuk sedime...
TRSH - Trees and shrubsUPHE - Upland herbsAQVP - Aquatic pollenVACR - Vascular CryptogamsAQBR- Aquatic Bryophytes -
Pollen palaeorecords from two lakes of the Steppe Altai (Russian Federation):...
Two lakes located in the Kulunda lowland, the biggest part of the Steppe Altai, provide a unique and longest high-resolution records of the environmental history of the Altai... -
Content of OM, carbonates, sulphates, salt, and ratio of terrigenic to autoge...
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Correlation coefficients (R2) showing the correlation between phytodiversity ...
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Lithostratigraphy of the Maloye Yarovoye core (Table 3)
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Lithostratigraphy of the Kuchuk core (Table 1)
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Lake Maloye Yarovoye age depth model
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Lake Kuchuk age depth model
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Content of total nitrogen (TN), total organic carbon (TOC) and TOC/TN ratio f...
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