Living organic carbon stocks of the North Sea: data and calculations
We collected, formatted and standardized publicly available data from publications and databases for 24 living carbon pools in the North Sea and calculated the carbon stock of... -
Trophic level and diet of extant mammals, birds, and reptiles
Trophic level, diet, IUCN threat category, habitat, system, body mass, geographic region of extant mammals, birds, and reptiles. Supplement to: Shaley, Valentine; Atwood, Trisha... -
MAR-ECO 2004 - Mammals and birds
MAR-ECO (2003 - 2010)was an international exploratory study of the animals inhabiting the northern mid-Atlantic. Scientists from 16 nations around the northern Atlantic Ocean... -
ZooMs MALDI spectra analysis in bone collagen of animal bones from the Pleist...
Dataset is a collection of MALDI ToF spectra files in a text format. These are supportive files for the dataset https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.971340. Each file is a... -
Stable isotope values and ZooMS markers in bone collagen of animal bones from...
The dataset presents stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) and ZooMS peptide markers obtained for bone collagen of Late Pleistocene mammals from the... -
MAR-ECO 2004 - Mammals and birds
MAR-ECO (2003 - 2010)was an international exploratory study of the animals inhabiting the northern mid-Atlantic. Scientists from 16 nations around the northern Atlantic Ocean... -
Hantering och rutiner av fårflocken med fokus på lammhälsa – en studie bland ...
Preventive health care and healthcare routines are practiced to prevent disease and possible subsequent death in animals, regardless of species at topic. To potentiate young... -
Temperatur, nederbörd, kväve- och fiberinnehåll hos björk och mjölkört, och k...
Data and R code used in piecewise structural equation modelling for a study that compared the direct and indirect impacts of temperature and precipitation on moose calf mass in... -
SAMBAH – Statisk akustisk monitorering av tumlare i Östersjön: Månadsvisa oce...
SAMBAH targeted the Baltic Sea population of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). This population is small and has been drastically reduced during the last decades. The species... -
SAMBAH – Statisk akustisk monitorering av tumlare i Östersjön: Batymetriska d...
SAMBAH targeted the Baltic Sea population of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). This population is small and has been drastically reduced during the last decades. The species... -
SAMBAH – Statisk akustisk monitorering av tumlare i Östersjön: Utbredning av ...
SAMBAH targeted the Baltic Sea population of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). This population is small and has been drastically reduced during the last decades. The species... -
MAR-ECO 2004 - Mammals and birds
MAR-ECO (2003 - 2010)was an international exploratory study of the animals inhabiting the northern mid-Atlantic. Scientists from 16 nations around the northern Atlantic Ocean... -
MAR-ECO 2004 - Mammals and birds
MAR-ECO (2003 - 2010)was an international exploratory study of the animals inhabiting the northern mid-Atlantic. Scientists from 16 nations around the northern Atlantic Ocean... -
Replication Data for: Consistent diel activity patterns of forest mammals amo...
This repository contains data sets and scripts employed for the manuscript "Consistent diel activity patterns of forest mammals among tropical regions" The data provided in... -
Groningen Zooarchaeological Collections 2020: Vertebrates and Invertebrates
The dataset includes the complete information on the vertebrate and invertebrate specimens present in the Zooarchaeological Collections of the Groningen Institute of...