Impact et limites des mesures de protection de l'air (installations fixes) - ...
Dans le cadre de sa politique de l'environnement, la Confédération a édicté une ordonnance qui vise à combattre la pollution de l'air (OPair: ordonnance sur la protection de... -
Flash Eurobarometer 304 (Employers’ Perception of Graduate Employability)
Employment and employability of higher education graduates. Skills assessment. Cooperation with higher education institutions. Topics: 1. Employment of graduates: percentage of... -
Flash Eurobarometer 305 (Innobarometer 2010)
Innovation in public administration. Topics: 1. Innovation: introduction of innovations since January 2008; pioneering role compared to other public administration authorities;... -
Flash Eurobarometer 310 (Preparing for the Euro: Survey Among Estonian Enterp...
Preparations of Estonian enterprises for the changeover to euro. Topics: self-rated knowledge on the euro changeover; preferred source of information about the introduction of... -
Flash Eurobarometer 300 (Retailers’ Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and ...
Attitudes of retailers towards cross-border trade. Knowledge regarding consumer legislation. Topics: number of EU countries currently cross-border sales to final consumers are... -
Flash Eurobarometer 331 (Retailers´ Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and ...
Attitudes of retailers towards cross-border trade. Knowledge regarding consumer legislation. Topics: estimation of the percentage of the company’s total turnover of the last... -
Flash Eurobarometer 342 (Small and Medium Enterprises, Resource Efficiency an...
Small and medium enterprises, resource efficiency, and green markets. Topics: company’s activities with regard to environmental legislation; reasons for not going beyond... -
Flash Eurobarometer 359 (Retailers´ Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and ...
Attitudes of retailers towards cross-border trade. Knowledge regarding consumer legislation. Topics: importance of selected obstacles to the development of cross-border sales to... -
Flash Eurobarometer 381 (Small and Medium Enterprises, Resource Efficiency an...
Small and medium enterprises, resource efficiency, and green markets. Topics: company’s activities with regard to environmental legislation; actions undertaken to improve... -
Flash Eurobarometer 369 (Investing in Intangibles: Economic Assets and Innova...
Kinds of intangible assets invested in. Reasons for investment in intangible assets and perceived barriers when making investments. Themes: Company is part of a group; country... -
Flash Eurobarometer 394 (The Role of Public Support in the Commercialisation ...
The significance of public support in the commercialisation of innovations of companies. Topics: introduction of innovation in the company since the beginning of 2011 regarding... -
IWH FDI Micro Database - Survey of multinational affiliates in East Germany a...
Expectations for future employment, turnover, exports, and investment of East German companies. Topics: Number of employees (size of company); expectation on the development of... -
IWH FDI Micro Database - Survey of multinational affiliates in East Germany a...
Linking of production and technologies from the perspective of Eastern European/Eastern German companies. Topics: 1. Foreign investor: year of entry of the foreign investor... -
IWH FDI Micro Database - Survey of multinational affiliates in East Germany a...
Questions concerning the foreign owned enterprise´s financial sources and restrictions for investment and the distribution and educational background of its employees. 2.... -
Flash Eurobarometer 396 (Retailers´ Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and ...
Attitudes of retailers towards cross-border trade. Knowledge regarding consumer legislation. Topics: interest in starting or intention to continue to sell online in the next... -
Flash Eurobarometer 399 (The Electronic Customs Implementation in the EU)
Companies and the electronic customs implementation in the EU. Topics: company imported from or exported to countries outside the EU in 2013; responsibility for dealing with... -
Science and Technology in the Country 1987
Effects of the scientific-technical revolution on working conditions of young people in socialist agriculture. Topics: Satisfaction with work; interest in scientific-technical... -
Parliament Study in Preparation of the X. Parliament of the FDJ 1975
Social activities and socialist class consciousness of young people in preparation of the X. parliament of the FDJ. Topics: Sense of well-being in place of residence; intent to... -
Scientific Use File Adult Education Statistics
The statistics of the German Volkshochschulen have been compiled annually by the German Institute for Adult Education (DIE), Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning e.V. since... -
Flash Eurobarometer 413 (Companies Engaged in Online Activities)
Companies’ attitudes towards online activities. Topics: company sells or purchases online and / or uses Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) type transactions; online selling of...